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Monday, January 21, 2013

Question no 1798 : Consignment Stock Processing

In SAP MM ECC6.0, select the following characteristics that describes wrongly the Consignment scneario in the standard system delivered by SAP ?

(more then one answers)

A)    It is possible to create a Consignment Purchase Order without the Consignment Info Record.
B)    The Pricing condition folder shows a "zero" price for condition type "PR00" for the item.
C)    Account Assignment entry is not possible for Consignment Purchase Order.
D)    There is no selection of GR non-valuated indicator for the Consignment item in the PO.
E)    It is not possible to indicate to receive to QI stock type for the Consignament item in the PO.


  1. The system issues a warning message if Consignment Info Record is not found during the creation of a Consignment Purchase Order. The Standard delivered Message code "ME399" is "Warning".

  2. There are no pricing condition folder in the item detail for the Consignment item. The Price field is BLANK.

  3. Account Assignment entry field is not selectable.

  4. The "GR non-valuated" indicator in the Purchaes Order item detail in the DELIVERY folder is hidden.

  5. You can indicate the follwing stock type in the PO for the receiving of Consignment stock:
    . Unrestricted.
    . Quality Inspection.
    . Block stock.


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