This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Question no 3915 : Printing the Maintenance Order

In SAP PM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, in which of the following conditions the Maintenance Order can be printed ?

(more than one answers)

A)  At the time of Release.
B)  After Release.
C)  Before TECO.
D)  After TECO.
E)  Any time.

Answers: A, B, C

A) Put in Process have option to print.
B, C) From after Release to before TECO, the MO can be printed.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Question no 3914 : Order Type Default for Maintenance Order t-code IW31

In SAP PM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following is used to default the Order Type in IW31 ?

(only one answer)

A)  Transaction Code.
B)  Sort list in the Order Type configuration.
C)  Standard SAP only defaults PM01.
D)  Technical Object.
E)  Parameter ID.

Answer: E

via Parameter ID "AAI" below assigned to the User.

Another method is to use Transaction Variant via t-code SHD0. (Transaction Variant is a personalization technique through which you can change the standard transaction according to your requirement like you want to hide some fields, disable some fields, and want to make some fields mandatory you can do it through transaction variant). Or in this case, set some default values.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Question no 3913 : Activity Type

In SAP PM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following is used to default the Activity Type in the Operation of the Maintenance Order ?

(only one answer)

A)  Order Type.
B)  Work Center.
C)  Planning Plant.
D)  Equipment.
E)  Functional Location.

Answer: B

Work Center defaults.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Question no 3912 : Planning Plant in Plant Maintenance

In SAP PM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following are mandatory for a Planning Plant ?

(more than one answers)

A)  General Maintenance Task List.
B)  Maintenance Notification.
C)  Maintenance Order.
D)  Permit Master.
E)  Catalog Profile.

Answers: A, C

Both D) Permit Master and E) Catalog Profile when created is without any Enterprise Structure definition (in this case not linked to any Plant). 

As for B) for Maintenance Notification creation, if an EQ or FL is entered, the system will locate the Planning Plant and Planner Group set in the Technical Objects but even if Planning Plant and Planner Group is not found; the Notification can be saved with BLANK Planning Plant and Planner Group.

The answers are:
A) General Maintenance Task List header requires a Planning Plant.
C) MO header initial screen requires a Planning Plant.

There are 2 types of Plant concept for Plant Maintenance:
Logistics Plant - to identify spare parts Storage
Maintenance Plant - to identify location of Technical Object, to identify the Work Center
Maintenance Planning Plant - the Logistics Plant is to have the behavior as a Planning Plant

The following is the Enterprise Structure iMG for Maintenance Planning Plant:
After the Logistics Plant is created then if it has the behavior of a Planning Plant then use the IMG below to create the Logistics Plant as a Planning Plant.

Below: the PLANT on the left (1st column) is the Maintenance Plant 1100 and 1200, and on the right (3rd column) is the Planning Plant 1100. In this case Planning is centrally done using Plant 1100 for the 2 Maintenance Plants.

Note case 1 of Planning Plant usage:
the Planning Plant is required when creating the Maintenance Order, it can be entered manually or defaulted from the Technical Object EQ of FL.

Note case 2 of Planning Plant usage:
when creating Task List (General Task List, Equipment Task List or Functional Location Task List), the Planning Plant is MANDATORY.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Question no 3911 : Task List Selection in Maintenance Order

In SAP PM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, the following are possible criteria for Task List selections when creating a Maintenance Order EXCEPT ?

(only one answer)

A)  Equipment.
B)  Functional Location.
C)  Assembly.
D)  General Task List Group Number.
E)  Maintenance Activity Type.

Answer: E

"To Reference Object" means the either Technical Objects (EQ or FL) and Assembly (in Priority from EQ to FL to Assembly entered in the Reference Object fields in the Header of the MO will be used to determine suitable Task List type "A", "E", and "T". (Answer A, B, C)

"General Task List for Assembly" means only the Assembly field entered will be used to determined any Task List for the Assembly (in the Task List header there is also an Assembly field). (Answer D)

"General Task List for Object Structure" means the Equipment and Functional Location entered and if there is an EQ Hierarchy or FL Hierarchy, the system determine if those related Task List exist with Tast List type "A", ,"E", and "T". 

"General Task List" only shows General Task List type "A" only.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Question no 3910 : Maintenance Activity Type

In SAP PM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following are the possible uses of Maintenance Activity Type in Standard SAP PM ?

(more than one answers)

A)  Reporting for Maintenance Notification.
B)  Reporting for Maintenance Order.
C)  Reporting for Maintenance Items in Maintenance Plans.
D)  Activity Price for Maintenance Order Operations.
E)  Task Determination for Maintenance Operations.

Answers: B, C

IMG - PM/CS - Maint/Service Processing - Maint. & Service Orders - Function and Setting for Order Types - Maintenance Activity Type - Define Maintenance Activity Types
... Maintenance Activity Type is NOT the same as the Costing Activity Type (which is created in Controlling Module and use for Costing Purpose), Maintenance Activity Type is used for PM Reporting and is configured here as a 3 alphanumeric field.

IMG - PM/CS - Maint/Service Processing - Maint. & Service Orders - Function and Setting for Order Types - Maintenance Activity Type - Define Valid Maintenance Activity Types to Maintenance Order Types
... Assign allowed Maintenance Activity Types to the Maintenance Order Types in this Configuration.

IMG - PM/CS - Maint/Service Processing - Maint. & Service Orders - Function and Setting for Order Types - Maintenance Activity Type - Default Values for Maintenance Activity Type for Each Order Type
... This Configuration is OPTIONAL, if configured then the assigned Maintenance Activity Type will be
  • Defaulted to the Maintenance Order Header when the Order Type is used.
  • Defaulted to the Maintenance Plan Item when the Call Object is a Maintenance Order.

The Maintenance Activity Types are only used in Maintenance Orders and not for Maintenance Notifications, therefore Answer A can be eliminated:
A) Reporting for Maintenance Notification

Since the Maintenance Activity Type is configured for Maintenance Order, you can find this in Maintenance Order Reporting, therefore Answer B  
B) Reporting for Maintenance Order. (The LIS for plant maintenance comes with some standard reporting/tracking dealing with the Maintenance Activity Types. )

When the Call Object is "Maintenance Order" in Maintenance Plan, then the Maintenance Activity Type can be defaulted in the Maintenance Plan Item. So, when the Order is called then the Activity Type can be defaulted to the Maintenance Order, therefore Answer C

Answer D) Activity Price for Maintenance Order Operations can also be eliminated because this is referred to the Costing Activity Type which has no relationship to the Maintenance Activity Type.

E) Task Determination for Maintenance Operations can also be Eliminated because the Maintenance Activity Type at the HEADER Maintenance Order is not related to the Maintenance Operations.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Question no 3909 : Purchasing Group

In SAP MM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following is TRUE about Purchasing Group ?

(more than one answers)

A)  It is assigned to a Purchasing Organization in the Enterprise Structure Configuration.
B)  Purchasing Groups are unique for each Purchasing Organization.
C)  A Purchasing Group is assigned to the User in the IMG.
D)  Purchasing Group in the Material Master is defaulted to the Purchase Order Header.
E)  Purchasing Group in the Material Master is defaulted to the Purchasing Info Record.

Answers: D, E

A, B) Purchasing Group is not Enterprise Structure related, it is independent of Purchasing Organization and Plant.

Purchasing Group is defined in the IMG path - MM - Purchasing - Purchasing Group
(the Purchasing Group is neither assigned to Company Code, Plant, or Purchasing Organization in the Customizing)

In the example below found in SAP IDES, looks like the configurator enter "People" as the Description, and there is even a field for Telephone of the Person/Buyer. BUT this does not mean that the Purchasing Group is assigned to the USERs in the IMG. (HOWEVER, you can use Authorization Object M_BEST_EKG Purchasing Group in connection to PR and PO via PFCG and then assign the Authorization Profile to the relevant SAP Users. 

Note: SAP DEFINEs the "Purchasing Group" as a 3 alphanumeric field to represent
a group of buyer
an individual buyer
who are responsible for procurement of material or service for day to day activities.

D, E) Purchasing Group can bet set in the Plant level data of the Purchasing data view in the Material Master and the field is Mandatory if the Procurement type is "Internal" in the MRP2 data view. This field can be initially defaulted to the Purchasing Info Record. 

The "Purchasing Group" field can be found in:
Material Master - Purchasing data view at the Plant level
Vendor Master - Purchasing Organization data view (last check only available in S/4)
Purchasing Info Record - Purchasing Organization data view (with or without Plant level)
Purchase Requisition - Item level
Purchase Order - Header level
RFQ/Quotation - Header level
Contract - Header level
Scheduling Agreement - Header level

**** the reason why SAP did not define Purchase Group at the Item level of RFQ/Quotation, PO, Contract, or Scheduling agreement is because they should be only ONE Buyer or Buyer Group responsible for these EXTERNAL Purchasing Documents. It is ILLOGICAL for MORE than ONE Buyer or Buyer Group to be responsible for each external Purchasing Document. Other then PR, all other External Purchasing Document Release Strategy are at the Header level; so using Header Purchasing Group for each External Purchasing Organization as Authorization influencing factor to determine the Authorization requirements will then also be correct. 

**** however, for Purchase Requisition which is an INTERNAL Purchasing Document, the Purchasing Group is at the ITEM level. This is acceptable because a USER/DEPARTMENT can request for different Materials and Services in a Single Purchasing Requisition. Purchasing Requisition ITEMs in the SAME Purchase Requisition can then have Material and Services that contain different Purchasing Groups. In the PR to PO conversion process, the Buyer or Buyer Group can then filter Purchase Requisition ITEMs that they are responsible to be converted to RFQ, PO, Contract, or Scheduling Agreement. AND since only ONE Buyer or ONE Buyer Group is responsible for EACH of these EXTERNAL Purchasing Documents; therefore, the Purchasing Group is at the HEADER of these EXTERNAL Purchasing Documents. 

**** if is IMPORTANT to ensure that each EXTERNAL Purchasing Document (RFQ, PO, Contract, Scheduling Agreement) contains Material or Service that belong to the SAME Purchasing Group which is recorded at the HEADER of the EXTERNAL Purchasing Document; then only the Purchasing Analytics for Purchasing Group will be correct. 

The Purchasing Group in the Material Master can also be defaulted to the Purchase Requisition item. 
However, the Purchasing Group cannot be found in the Purchase Order Document ITEM level "VIEW"; it is also sometimes confusing that there is also a Purchasing Group in the Purchase Order HEADER which is neither defaulted from the Material Master nor Info Record! In ME21N, the User can use the HEADER Default data to default the Purchasing Group for this HEADER Purchasing Group. 

So, the use of the Purchasing Group in the Purchase Requisition ITEM and Purchase Order HEADER is different. 
Example usage like below (but this is up to the Consultant and Customer discussion results):
Purchasing Group in the PR ITEM - since this is usually defaulted from the Material Master (one of the purpose is to represent the person/buyer or group of people/buyers responsible for the Material in the Plant). Review the use of Purchasing Group in ME5A (PR List Display).
Purchasing Group in the PO HEADER - since this is defaulted by USER default setting in ME21N or manually entered (one of the purpose is to represent the department or purchasing section responsible for the Material procurement in the Plant). Review the use of Purchasing Group in ME5L (PO List Display).
When using ME59N, Auto PR to PO conversion, use the "Purchasing Group" as a criteria to ensure only Material and Service that have the same Purchasing Group in the PR items are combined into the same Purchase Order. AND of course the correct Buyer or Buyer Group (Purchasing Group) is performing this task. 

**** Do note that in S/4HANA, there is also a Purchasing Group in the new Vendor Master which is the Business Partner, you can find the field in the Purchasing Organization data view in the Business Partner. Initial testing seems that the Purchasing Group is the Vendor Pur Org data view is higher priority than the Material Master for its default to the Purchasing Info Record or the Purchase Requisition item with Source Determination. (However, do test this again in the S/4 version you are working on). 

Monday, January 3, 2022

Question no 3908 : Reference Purchasing Organization

In SAP MM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, the purpose of a Reference Purchasing Organization is for which of the following ?

(more than one answers)

A)  Create Purchase Order with reference to a Contract created by another Purchasing Organization.
B)  Copy Plant condition Prices from Central Contract to the Purchase Order.
C)  Allow source determination for Outline Agreements.
D)  Create Scheduling Agreement with reference to a Contract created by another Purchasing Organization.
E)  Copy Plant condition Prices from Central Contract to the Scheduling Agreement.

Answers: A, B

Its for Central Contract Scenario with Purchasing Organization for the Contract as a Reference Purchasing Organization so that Purchase Order created by another Purchasing Organization can be referenced to it.

In the IMG Enterprise assignment configuration, if Purchasing Organization 1000 is the Reference Purchasing Organization assigned to another Purchasing Organization for example 1200. Then Purchasing Organization 1200 will be able to create a Purchase Order to a Contract issued by Purchasing Organization 1000. 

An industrial example:

Purchasing Organization C100 is the Japan HQ Central Purchasing which is responsible for a Central Contract to a vendor in Indonesia that will supply to factories in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. 
The company also have country specific Purchasing Organizations in the 3 countries respectively; that is example Purchasing Org 1000 for Thailand, Purchasing Org 1100 for Malaysia, and Purchasing Org 1200 for Singapore. 
The Central Contract issued by Japan Purchasing Org C100 will be a blanket quantity eg: 10,000,000 pcs for 3 years, the Central Contract was issued without Plant. Each Purchasing Org for the 3 South East Asian Countries will then issued Purchase Order against the Central Contract for the Quantity required for the Plants in their respective countries. In this case the Pur Org for the PO will be different from the Pur Org in the Central Contract. 
In order to support the scenario above, Purchasing Org 1000 must be assigned as Reference Purchasing Org to Purchasing Org 1100, 1200, and 1300 in the IMG.

The Configurations required for this scenario (a different example):

Note there are 2 parameters in this IMG:
1) "Release Order" means Pur Org 1000 is allowed to issued a Purchase Order with reference to a Contract created by Reference Pur Org C100.
2) "Conditions" means that the Plant Conditions set in the Central Contract issued by Reference Pur Og C100 can be copied to the Pur Org 1000 (if this is not set, then Pur Org must negotiate own Prices with the vendor and at least create a Purchasing Info Record by Pur Org 1000 to that vendor).