This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Saturday, April 29, 2017

TWO Golden Rules in SAP Consulting

There are TWO Golden Rules in SAP Consulting

#1: Never Tell anyone what you know

#2: Never Document everything you have said, done or configured

God Bless you

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Question no 3384 : Material Specifications

In SAP QM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following are not correct about Material Specification ?

(more than one answers)

A)  You can assign the Dynamic Modification Rule in the Header.
B)  You can assign a Sampling Procedure for the Master Inspection Characteristics in the Material Spec.
C)  You must assign a Work Center for the Inspection Task in the Material Spec.
D)  A Plant is not necessary for a Material Specification.
E)  A Material Specification can be assigned to one or more Materials.

Answer: A, C, D, E

A) Material Specification has no Header.
C) Unlike Inspection Plan, Work Center is not possible in Material Spec.
D) Plant is still necessary for Material Spec.
E) Material Specs are unique for each Material and independent of Inspection Type.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

SAP Acronyms (Part 10)

"What is SAP ?"
Lets have some light moments before we
Login to a SAP system
comes  Monday morning

Shifted Altered Pissed
Sick Acting Physicist
Society Against Progress
Service Agents Programs
Superficially Altered Programs 
Schrecken Angst Panik
Silenced Anxiety Panicked
Spouse Abuse Programs
Substance Abused Professionals

Systems Applications Products

............................. Part 11, This may really be the last one ................................

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Question no 3383 : Engineering Change in SAP QM

In SAP QM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following in Quality Management where Engineering Change Management is applicable ?

(only one answer)

A)   Inspection Plan.
B)   Dynamic Modification.
C)   Master Inspection Characteristics.
D)   Quality Info Record.
E)   Sampling Procedure.

Answer: A

A) QP02 notice Change Number field.
B) QDR2 cannot fined Change Number field.
C) QS22 and QS23 cannot find Change Number field.
D) QI02 cannot fine Change Number field.
E) QDV2 cannot find Sampling Procedure.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

How many Consultants to implement an SAP Project

How many Consultants it takes to implement an SAP Project ? 

None: Do it yourself.

One: Get Jacky Chan or Chuck Norris as either one can do it all. 

Two: One to write the Blue Print (the senior), One to implement the Blue Print (the junior).

Three: The Senior who is usually the Freelancer with write the Blue Print, then the Junior who is usually a permanent staff who may or many not know anything about changing a light bulb but will try to see what he/she can do by following the Blue Print PLUS a Developer because all projects needs Development. (I do mean All SAP Projects)

Four: The Senior, Junior, Support Consultant, and the Developer. Once go life, the Junior who has just implemented the project will now brief the Support Consultant for After-Go-Life support 

Five: The Senior, Junior, Support Consultant, and the Developer PLUS a Project Manager if the customer can afford it. Otherwise, the Fantastic 3 ie the Junior, Support Consultant and Developer have to "Chap Sang"; why not the Senior because he/she is a freelance and cannot be contacted anymore after the Blue Print was written. 

Six: The Senior, Junior, Support Consultant, Developer, Project Manager PLUS an Integration Consultant who try to find the missing links left over by the Senior who wrote the Blue Print but now busy writing other Blue Prints and therefor cannot be contacted as he is a freelance which is chargeable if need to be spoken to. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Question no 3382 : Material Master QM data view parameters

In SAP QM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following control parameters are possible in the Material Master QM data view ?

(more than one answers)

A)  Vendor QM System requirements.
B)  Sample Determination.
C)  Dynamic Modification.
D)  Recurring Inspection cycle.
E)  Inspection Type.

Answer: A, B, C, D, E

You do have to be familiar with most of the parameters in the Material Master, Quality Info Record, and Master Inspection Characteristics. 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

SAP Acronyms (Part 9)

All work no Play really make me go nuts

Sneak And Peak
Sini Ada Problem
Smart Amazingly Pathetic
Situation Awareness Protocols
Sleepless And Perplexed
Slow Action Potentials
Socially Awkward Professionals
Systematic Alarmed Panels
Shit Ass Punks
Super Absorbent Professionals

............................. Part 10, Next time ................................

Friday, April 7, 2017

Question no 3381 : Sample Determination

In SAP QM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following play a part in Sample Calculation for an Inspection Lot ?
(more than one answers)

A)   Dynamic Modification.
B)   Sampling Scheme.
C)   Inspection Type detail in the Material Master
D)   Material Type.
E)   Vendor Master.

Answer: A, B, C

A) DMR via the Severity link to the B) Sampling Scheme can affect the Sample Calculation.
C) Inspection Type detail can be assigned with Sampling Calculation.
D) Material Type can control the creation of QM data view but not necessarily related to this question.
E) Although Vendor Master can be assign with QM System and hence possible result in skipping Inspection lot but not really the best answer from the way I phrased the question.

Sometimes, exam questions are just being like that. The point of the view of the person who writes the question maybe not be clear BUT still I insist answer D,E are not appropriate in this context. (in my view point). In such cases, in a examination setting, chose the best answer you think is appropriate base on the context of the question itself.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Question no 3380 : Alternative Unit of Measure

In SAP LO as at ECC6.0 EhP6, which of the following alternative UOM cannot be found in the Material Master ?

(only one answer)

A)   Purchasing Order Unit of Measure.
B)   Sales Unit of Measure.
C)   MRP Planning Unit of Measure.
D)   Production Unit of Measure.
E)   Goods Issue Unit of Measure.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Question no 3379 : Confirmation Control Key

In SAP MM as at ECC6.0 EhP6, Confirmation Control Key can be assigned to which of the following ?

(more than one answers)

A)   Material Master Purchasing Data views Purchasing Value Key.
B)   Vendor Master Purchasing Data View.
C)   Purchasing Info Record General Data View.
D)   Purchasing Info Record Purchasing Data View.
E)   Contract item.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

SAP and Buddhism

“Emptiness” is a central teaching of all Buddhism, but this is often misunderstood or it is really very difficult to grasp its true meaning. 

"Emptiness" is a "Perception" of "Our experience in this world", as there is nothing to add and therefore nothing to take away from. 

For example, you see a cup without water and you are thirsty, and you say the cup is empty. The reason of your perception of it as empty is because you are thirsty. And thus, the cup was created because of a reason. If there is no such thing as thirst, there will be no need for the creation of a cup. Therefore, that is "Emptiness". Look at it another way, if we are full and not thirsty, whether the cup is empty or full with water does not matter to us anymore as we do not see a need for it. Hence, that is also "Emptiness". 

I have come to see SAP the same way of being "Emptiness". 

In Buddhism, something is empty if it is:
  1. Divisible. (A divisible thing has parts, All things are not of one thing, even a house is not one thing, it is made up of many parts. It is that concept of empty of a "self" (or a permanent things). In such, many things has to come together to create the perception of emptiness, not one thing! Even a perceived piece of paper which is empty until it is written with some words forming a paragraph of something are results of many things, our brain must have a desire to express something and therefore formulating words in our mind to convey the message via our hands using a physical pen and paper to express those thoughts in a language we desire to convey. And the reason we see a paper as empty is because our mind perceive of images, thoughts, desires of want to read and see something on the paper that we perceive it being "empty". This is why Emptiness is divisible as it is made of many parts that comes together and not just one thing.) 
  2. Dependent. (All things exists depend on something else. Without these things are "support" or "need", there is then "no need" for anything. The mind exists in dependence on thoughts, feelings, images, reasoning (as all things are divisible and are ultimately empty!), If there are no thoughts, feelings, images, and reasoning and therefore there is no mind.)
  3. Impermanent. (All things has a beginning, it changes, and then disappears or ended. It changes from time to time because it is not one thing but it is made of many successive things. As nothing is permanent.)
  4. Identifiable. (If you cannot find it, it does not exist. If you can find it, it exist. Think of a candle, the reason for the candle to exist is because we want to see something in darkness, and therefore a job was created for people who make candles - hence dependency. The candle was created because of many things and not just one thing, is is because our thoughts, reasoning, feelings of wanted to see something from darkness that created a job for someone to make the candle, then someone who sells it so that we can purchase it for use to light up in darkness - hence divisible. When the candle lights up, it put itself into use - hence identifiable. But the candle is not permanent, it transform its energy into light and heat and will burn out soon - hence impermanence)
In SAP, those 4 elements of Emptiness prevails:
  1. Divisible. (SAP is not one thing, it is always almost made of many things. Even the MM module, it is not only MM but of many components, when you need some stock items and the warehouse is "empty", you create a purchase order via ME21N for approval to the vendor, the vendors sends the goods and we perform MIGO-GR to store in in the warehouse and therefore we perceive the warehouse as "full", when we wish to use the stock item, we perform MIGO-GI to remove it and hence create another perceive "emptiness". To create the perceived "Emptiness" and "Full" it is because of many things and not one single thing)  
  2. Dependent. (SAP processes is the same, there are all inter-dependent. If the Accounting department do not need a material to have any valuation, we create it as non-valuated material. If the Accounting department requires the material to be valuated, we have to create it as valuated material. All things are dependent because all things are made of many things which are divisible)
  3. Impermanent. (SAP is the same, when internal production capacity is insufficient, we seek MM subcontracting processing to fulfill the gap. But at low production periods, when we have ample capacity, the MM subcontracting processing will not be required. But when in-house production cost increases and the permanent overhead costs does not match the fluctuation of demand requirement, we may reduce dependency on the high cost of in-house production and move the business for MM subcontracting. Hence nothing is permanent)
  4. Identifiable. (If you cannot find it, it does not exist. If you can find it, it exist. Well, that is that purpose of IMG and ABAP Development. The concept of impermanence in the business world create identifiable needs for consultants to continue the re-touching of the IMG and if not possible via standard processes then via ABAP development. All these is because all things are divisible as there are made up of many interdependent parts; this is the reason why we need many SAP Consultants in a SAP environment.)