This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Monday, December 31, 2012

Question no 1777 : Purchasing Value Key

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following parameters are configured within the Purchasing Value Key ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Delivery reminder in days.
B)    Over and Under delivery tolerances.
C)    Order Price Quantity delivery tolerances.
D)    Order Acknowledgement indicator.
E)    Account Assignment object default.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Question no 1776 : SD determination rule

In SAP SD, on the basis of MALA rule, which of the following is used for Picking determination ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Delivery Plant.
B)   Shipping Condition.
C)   Loading Group.
D)   Storage Condition.
E)   Shipping Point.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Question no 1774 : SD determination Rule

In SAP SD or LE, the following data elements: Shipping Point, Ship to Party, Transportation Group, and Shipping Condition are used to determine _________________ .

(only one answer)

A)     Warehouse number.
B)     Delivery Plant.
C)     Transportation Zone.
D)     Route.
E)     Transportation Planning Point.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Question no 1773 : Business Area Determination

In SAP ECC6.0, which of the following are possible methods of determining the Business Area ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Plant/Valuation Area.
B)   Sales Area and Plant.
C)   Material Master Material Group and Plant.
D)   Material Master Division and Plant.
E)   Sales Area.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Question no 1772 : Schedule Line Category Determination

In SAP SD ECC6.0, which of the following data elements are used to determine the Schedule Line Category ?

(more then one answers)

A)  Item category group of the corresponding material.
B)  Item category of the corresponding material.
C)  Material type of the corresponding material.
D)  Material group of the corresponding material.
E)  MRP type of the corresponding material.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Question no 1771 : SD Sales Document item category

In SAP SD ECC6.0, the item category in a Sales Document is determined by which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Item Category Group.
B)   Document type.
C)   Usage.
D)   Higher Level Item Category.
E)   Sales area.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Question no 1770 : Alternative Labeling

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following is TRUE about the use of Alternative Labeling ?

(more then one answers)

A)     You must activate in the customizing to use it.
B)     Once activated, the use of alternative labeling is mandatory.
C)     The primary labeling system determines the actual structure of the functional location.
D)     The alternative labeling do not change the original structure using the primary labeling system.
E)     A different structural indicator can be used for the alternative labeling system.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Question no 1769 : Product Structure Browser

In SAP LDM, the Product Structure Browser allows you to view the structure of which of the following SAP objects ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Bill of Material.
B)    Equipment hierarchy.
C)    Functional Location hierarchy.
D)    Classification class and characteristics structure.
E)    Project system Network and WBS structure.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Question no 1768 : People Integration Component of Netweaver

In SAP ECC6.0, which of the following are the sub-components of the "People Integration" aspects of SAP Netweaver ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Collaboration.
B)   Enterprise Portal.
C)   Business Warehouse.
D)   Exchange Infrastructure.
E)   Multi-Channel Access.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Question no 1767 : Auto PO Generation at Goods Receipt

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the Auto PO Generation at Goods Receipt require which of the following Customzing ?

(more then one answers) 

A)    A Standard Purchase Organization assigned to the Goods Receiving Plant.
B)    A Standard Purchase Organization assigned to the User performing the Goods Receipt.
C)    Enter the Parameter ID value of the Purchase Organization to the User Profile.
D)    Auto PO indicator assigned to the desired Movement Type used for the Goods Receipt scenario.
E)    Auto PO indicator assigned to the Purchase Document Type which will be used to Genrated the Auto PO.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Question no 1766 : No Accounting Posting for which Movement Type

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following Movement Type do not result in Accounting Posting ?

(more then one answer)

A)      101.
B)      103.
C)      105.
D)      107.
E)      109.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Question no 1765 : Movement type for Quality Inspection

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following movement type will direct the material into Quality Inspection Stock Type ?

(more then one answers)

A)     503.
B)     563.
C)     103.
D)     523.
E)     513.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Question no 1764 : Account Posting for Goods Movement

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following scenario for goods movement do not result in an Accounting Document created ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Free-or-charge delivery (Mvt 511) for a "MAP" material.
B)    Transfer Posting of a material from Storage Location to Storage Location in the same Plant (Mvt 311).
C)    Free-or-charge delivery (Mvt 511) for a "Standard Price" material.
D)    Initial entry of Stock Balances (Mvt 561).
E)    Goods Receipt of by-products (Mvt 531).

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Question no 1763 : Free-of-charge delivery for "Standard Price" material in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the Free-of-charge  delivery movement type "511" when used for a "Standard Price" material, what are the characteristic goods movement posting ?

(more then one answers)

A)    An info record is not necessary during the goods movement.
B)    A Purchasing Organization is required to be entered duirng the goods receipt in order to look for the PIR.
C)    Both the Quantity and Value of the Stocks will be increased.
D)    An Accounting Posting will debit the Stock and Credit a P&L Account.
E)    The MAP of the material will be recalculated.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Question no 1762 : Free-of-charge delivery for "MAP" material in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the movment type "511" is used for Free-of-charge delivery, assuming the material is with price control "MAP", what are the characteristics of the goods receipt of using "511" for this material ?

(more then one answers)

A)   No Accounting Document will be posted.
B)   An Info Record must be present during the Goods movement posting.
C)  The MAP price in the material master will be adjusted.
D)  An Accounting document of Debit Stock and Credit Gain in Stock Account is posted.
E)  The Stock quantity will be increased but not the total stock value.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Question no 1761 : Order type dependent parameters for PP Orders

In SAP PP ECC6.0, which of the following are non-plant specific parameters for the Production Order type ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Settlement Profile.
B)    Confirmation Profile.
C)    Status Profile for Order Header.
D)    Status Profile for Operations.
E)    Availability check parameters.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Question no 1760 : Production Orders

In SAP PP ECC6.0, when a production order is created ......

(more then one answers)

A)   Reservations are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "L".
B)   Reservations are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "R".
C)   Purchase Requisitions are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "N".
D)   Service Entry Sheets are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "D".
E)   Reservations are not generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "T".

Friday, December 14, 2012

Question no 1759 : ME21 vs ME21N

which of the following incorrectly describes the use of the Traditional entry screens (eg: ME21 for the traditional purchasing order creation session) and Enjoy entry screens (eg: ME21N for the enjoy purchasing order creation session) in the SAP system ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  The enjoy screen sessions generally allows the user to switch between create, change, and display sessions easily.
(B)  Purchasing documents created from the traditional data entry screens are not accessible from the enjoy screen sessions.
(C)  Purchasing documents created from the enjoy data entry screens are not accessible from the traditional screens sessions.
(D)  It is possible to restrict certain materials to use the traditional entry screen method and other materials enjoy entry screen method.
(E)  The use of enjoy data entry screens are created for all sap users while the traditional data entry screens were created for the non sap users.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Question no 1758 : Vendor Master characteristics

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the following statements about vendor master are correct ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   The same vendor master record cannot be maintained for both procurement and accounts payable because they are both different application modules in the R/3 system.
(B)   The same vendor master record is setup for both the procurement and accounts payable applications.
(C)   The vendor master record is divided into 3 categories: General data, Accounting/Company data, and Purchasing data
(D)   The vendor master record is divided into 3 categories: General data, Purchasing data, and Plant data.
(E)   You can block a vendor master record for all procurement possibilities or for an individual material via the source list.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Question no 1757 : Purchase Order Creation Options

In SAP MM, a Purchase order can be created from the following scenarios ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  From only one purchase requisition items
(B)  Items form several purchase requisitions
(C)  Reference from another existing purchase order
(D)  From quotation items
(E)  From contract items

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Question no 1756 : MAP treatment

In SAP MM ECC6.0, for a material that has price control “moving average”; if the stock quantity is less then the invoice quantity at Invoice Verification and the Invoice Price is larger then the Purchase Order Price, what happens to the Account Posting ?

(only one answer)

(A)   The system posts part of the difference to the “Expenditure/income from price differences” account instead of the stock account.
(B)   The system posts all of the differences to the “Expenditure/income from price differences” account instead of the stock account.
(C)   The system post all of the differences to the stock account instead of the “Expenditure/income from price differences” account.
(D)   The system posts part of the differences to the “Income from price differences” account; other differences to the “Expenditure from price differences” account, and none to the stock account.
(E)   The system posts part of the differences to the “Reconciliation” account instead of the stock account.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Question no 1755 : Planned and Unplanned Delivery Cost

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following are true about planned and unplanned delivery costs ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Planned delivery costs are entered in the purchasing document as agreed with the vendor, changes are not allowed at invoice verification.
(B)   Planned delivery costs are entered in the purchasing document as agreed with the vendor, a provision account is posted at goods receipt, and later cleared when the invoice is received.
(C)   Planned delivery costs are entered in the purchasing document as agreed with the vendor. At goods receipt, the total costs of material and planned delivery costs will be posted to the a GR/IR account and later cleared when the invoice is received.
(D)  Unplanned delivery costs are not entered in the purchasing document. However, a provision account is posted at goods receipt and later cleared when the invoice is received.
(E)  Unplanned delivery costs are not entered in the purchasing document. There are no relevant account posting related to delivery costs at goods receipt. Invoice with regards to unplanned delivery costs are posted at invoice verification.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Question no 1754 : Valuation at Plant Level

In SAP MM ECC6.0, when valuation is set at the plant level ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  You can valuate a material in different plants at different prices.
(B)  You should have an accounting view for the material at every plant that it requires quantity and value updating for those plants.
(C)  You are able to use production planning but not product cost accounting components.
(D)  You are able to use both production planning and product cost accounting components.
(E)  You can valuate a material in different plants at different prices but the price control must only "moving average price" or "standard price" for all the plants for the same material.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Question no 1753 : Consumable scenario

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which are the following possibilities are relevant for the consumables procurement scenario ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  A material number is not possible in the purchasing document.
(B)  A material number is possible but not necessary in the purchasing document.
(C)  An account assignment is mandatory.
(D)  Both stocks account and consumables account can be posted if the alternatives are configured correctly.
(E)  All other purchasing documents can use the scenario except purchasing requisition as it does not have a header.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Question no 1752 : Material Type Influencing Factors

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the material type is an influencing factor in configuring the material master has which of the following control features ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Determines which user departments can maintain the material.
(B)  Determines the procurement type. (internal or external)
(C)  Assist in automatic account determination process.
(D)  Field selection.
(E)  Procurement type (internal, external or special procurement options such as subcontracting, consignment)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Question no 1751 : Quotation Comparison

In SAP MM ECC6.0, key features for the Quotation comparison function are ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Comparing several related quotations against a reference quotation.
(B)  Comparing several related quotations and list the lowest price, and average quotation values.
(C)  Excluding discounts and delivery costs in the price computations
(D)  Update or create purchase info record.
(E)  Reject as well as set a quoted price to be a market price.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Question no 1750 : Reconciliation Account in the Vendor Master

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the reconciliation account for the Vendor Master record is created for which of the following reason ?

(only one answer)

(A)   Bank reconciliation is the General Ledger for accounts payable payment by Bank transfer or cheque.
(B)   Bank reconciliation in the General Ledger for accounts payable payment by cheque only.
(C)   It provides the means of handling the vendors open item balances as well as payments.
(D)   It provides the control account for a possible group of vendors in the General Ledger.
(E)   It provides the account number for the subledger number in FI where the total liabilities are updated per vendor.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Question no 1749 : Account Group in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following is true about the account group ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  It provides the determination for number range assignment for vendor master.
(B)  Both an internal and external number range are assigned to an account group.
(C)  It provides the determination of partner functions from the Partner Schema assignment.
(D)  It is used for determining the G/L account relevant for Invoice Posting.
(E)  It is used for field selection of the vendor master’s General, Accounting/Company, and Purchasing view.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Question no 1748 : Purchasing Info Record

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following is correct about pricing determination from a Purchasing Info Record ?

(only one answer)

(A)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system terminates the purchasing document creation session with a warning message.
(B)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system reads the number of an alternative info record that was registered in the previous purchasing document creation session and then suggest the price from this alternative info record.
(C)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system terminates the purchasing document creation session with an error message.
(D)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system reads all the previous purchasing document and suggest the best price.
(E)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system reads the number of the last purchasing document in the info record and then suggests the price from this document.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Question no 1747 : Reference document at LIV

In SAP MM ECC6.0, Invoice verification can be done with reference to which of the following ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Purchase order no.
(B)  Delivery note number.
(C)  Bill of Lading.
(D)  Service entry sheet
(E)  Contract

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Question no 1746 : Stock Types in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, in SAP MM you can posts a goods receipt for a material without batch from a purchase order or a production order into a warehouse (Plant/Storage Location) into which stock types:

(more than one answers)

(A)  Unrestricted-use stock (no usage restrictions)
(B)  Restricted-use stock (usage restrictions)
(C)  Quarantine stock
(D)  Quality inspection stocks
(E)  Blocked stock