This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Q&A in Class (2025-02-27) S4MA1


Question: In S/4HANA, MRP Live (MD01N) was introduced as a complement to MD01 (Classic MRP Run), there are differences is methodologies and the following will explain the differences. 

Answer: Classic MRP vs MRP Live as below example:


Question: Activating for Advanced Planning in Embedded S/4HANA is different from classic ECC integration to the APO system.

Answer: It is important to understand the basic steps involved for both Master Data and Transaction Data Reconciliation when Activating for Advanced Planning in S4/HANA for Imbedded PPDS.
See the following how to:


Question: DDMRP explained.

Answer: DDMRP is the acronym for Demand-Driven material requirements planning (MRP), an approach to material control and replenishment that improves on the functionality of traditional MRP. Because DDMRP is demand driven, it is by definition more sensitive and responsive to the variations in demand and supply that can cause shortages.
Exploring DDMRP below:


Question: Review of the "pMRP" Fiori App:

Answer: in ECC, SAP introduced the LTP (Long Term Planning) for simulation planning run but it is limited to Infinite Capacity and an iterative process. With the new HANA engine, SAP in S/4HANA introduced "pMRP (Predictive MRP)", the FIORI App improve on the classic LTP function which helps to identify Capacity Issues and recommending Levelling to the in-active Planned Independent Requirement which subsequently can the Released as an active PIR. The APP can be used without activating "Advanced Planning".
See the example of a pMRP run below:


Question: Production Planning (Advanced Planning) is now available as Embedded PPDS in S/4HANA. 

Answer: The following blog posts shows an overview of Embedded PPDS Run in S/4HANA:


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