This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Friday, February 28, 2025

SAP QM - Results Recoding and Usage Decision via FIOR UX Apps

CLICK here to view the Presentation

Q&A in Class (2025-02-28) S4EWM


Question: An Overview of S/4HANA EWM.

Answer: see the presentation below:


Question: Demonstration the process flow of SD Outbound Delivery with EWM processing.

Answer: Check the steps for Outbound Delivery with EWM:


Question: Execute an Inbound Process with "Process-Oriented Storage Control" (Decomposition Process) with example to Unpacked 2 material from a BOX delivered by the vendor and then repacked into separate boxes before storage into EWM.

Answer: See the following step by step: Storage Control (Decomposition Process)/


Question no 4037 : "Planning Time Fields" in Advanced Planning

In SAP Production Planing as at S/4 1909, which of the following "Planning Time fields" are valid ?

(more than one answers)

A. Plant Parameter Planning Horizon.
B. MRP Group Parameter Planning Horizon.
C. MRP 1 view Time Fence.
D. PPDS Planning Horizon.
E. SNP Horizon.

Answer: C, D

A, B) The Classic Planning Horizon in Plant Parameter (OPPQ) and MRP Group (OPPR) no longer available.
C) Planning Time Fence in MRP 1 view is still valid which effectively seen in MD04 and APO Product view.
D) PPDS Horizon can be set for each Advanced Planning Version.
E) The APO SNP module is not yet available in S/4 1909.

SAP MM - Import Supplier Invoice FIORI App ID F3041


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SAP QM - Product Part Approval Process (PPAP) for First Article Inspection (FAI) scenario using Quality Info Record

 CLICK here to view the Presentation

Thursday, February 27, 2025

SAP PP - MRP Preparation for Advanced Planning (S/4 2023)


CLICK here to view the Presentation

Q&A in Class (2025-02-27) S4MA1


Question: In S/4HANA, MRP Live (MD01N) was introduced as a complement to MD01 (Classic MRP Run), there are differences is methodologies and the following will explain the differences. 

Answer: Classic MRP vs MRP Live as below example:


Question: Activating for Advanced Planning in Embedded S/4HANA is different from classic ECC integration to the APO system.

Answer: It is important to understand the basic steps involved for both Master Data and Transaction Data Reconciliation when Activating for Advanced Planning in S4/HANA for Imbedded PPDS.
See the following how to:


Question: DDMRP explained.

Answer: DDMRP is the acronym for Demand-Driven material requirements planning (MRP), an approach to material control and replenishment that improves on the functionality of traditional MRP. Because DDMRP is demand driven, it is by definition more sensitive and responsive to the variations in demand and supply that can cause shortages.
Exploring DDMRP below:


Question: Review of the "pMRP" Fiori App:

Answer: in ECC, SAP introduced the LTP (Long Term Planning) for simulation planning run but it is limited to Infinite Capacity and an iterative process. With the new HANA engine, SAP in S/4HANA introduced "pMRP (Predictive MRP)", the FIORI App improve on the classic LTP function which helps to identify Capacity Issues and recommending Levelling to the in-active Planned Independent Requirement which subsequently can the Released as an active PIR. The APP can be used without activating "Advanced Planning".
See the example of a pMRP run below:


Question: Production Planning (Advanced Planning) is now available as Embedded PPDS in S/4HANA. 

Answer: The following blog posts shows an overview of Embedded PPDS Run in S/4HANA:


SAP MM - "Manage Purchasing Contract" App S/4 2023

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Q&A in Class (2025-03-26) S4SD1


Question: Does S/4HANA support LEAN Service scenario in 3rd Party SD Sales Order?

Answer: a Search in do not find any documentation on LEAN Service application for 3rd Party Sales Order (search today). The found problem is that the validity start date and end date as required in the PR for LEAN Service cannot be found in the Sales Order item. The Error Message is "Message No. MM_PUR_REQN005". Unfortunately no relevant OSS Noted can be found for the Message related to 3rd Party Sales Order. 

There are also no known configuration or default value via configuration for the LEAN Service Start date and End date. 

Caution: unless I am unware of others possible configurations required to enable LEAN Service for 3rd Party Sales Order scenario. Hence, the possible solution for this requirement will be pending for future investigations. For now, this Q&A will be on "Pending Status" until further investigation. 

However, as below is the simulation of using Material with Material type "DIEN" for 3rd Party Sales Order scenario tested in S/4HAN2023 and the use case of "DIEN" Material type for Services in this case is supported in S/4HANA. 


Question: 3rd Party SD Sales Order with classic Material type "DIEN". 

Answer: 3rd Party SD Sales Order with classic Material type "DIEN" was a widely used process in ECC and the following Blog Post is to demonstrate is this classic scenario can also be executed in S/4HANA (simulation in S/4HANA 2023):


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Question no 4036 : QI stock transfer with Inspection Lot Active

In SAP Quality Management, which of the following are TRUE about transferring QI stocks with Quality Inspection active ? 

(more than one answer)

A. Transfer between Plant is not possible.
B. Only the full quantity of the Inspection Lot can be transferred.
C. Movement Type 323 is used for the transfer.
D. The destination storage location must be activated for QM inspection type.
E. Transfer within the Plant and Cross Plant is allowed.

Answer: B, C, E

A, E) within Plant is allowed and cross Plant is also allowed, the destination plant must also be activated for QM inspection.
B) no partial transfers of Inspection lot quantity.
C. Movement Type 323 is used for both within Plant and cross Plant transfer.
D. Activation of QM Inspection is at the Plant level.

Other features:
Transaction code QAC2 is used for the Transfer
A Reason Code for Movement Type 323 is possible in QAC2
Document date and Posting date is allowed in QAC2
Also available is Document Header Text

SAP SD - INCO Term technical upgarde for SD-TM integration


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SAP Technology - SAP Joules AI

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

SAP MM - Incoterm and Incoterm Location preparations for S/4HANA TM Freight Order processing


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Q&A in Class (2025-02-18) S4PR1


Question: Are there OSS Notes for FIORI App ? 

Answer: Key points about finding OSS notes for Fiori apps:
  1. Accessing the Fiori App Support: When experiencing an issue within a Fiori app, navigate to the system information section (usually accessible through a gear icon or similar) and look for an option related to "App Support" or "Technical Information." 
  2. Searching by Fiori App ID: Once you access the App Support feature, you can input the Fiori app ID (which can be found in the application details) to retrieve a list of relevant SAP Notes. 
  3. Transaction Code Search: If the Fiori app is linked to a specific transaction code, you can also use that code to search for relevant SAP Notes. 
  4. Interpreting the Notes: The returned SAP Notes will provide detailed information about the issue, potential causes, and recommended solutions, including any necessary system adjustments or configuration changes. 
  5. Important Considerations: System Version: Always ensure you are checking SAP Notes relevant to your specific SAP system version as fixes may vary across releases.
  6. Backend System: If your Fiori app interacts with multiple backend systems, you may need to search for notes related to each backend system involved.
To patch OSS notes for a Fiori app, access the SAP Support Portal, find the relevant SAP note for the specific issue affecting your Fiori app, download the patch, and then implement it in your system using the appropriate transaction depending on the type of fix required (e.g., using transaction SNOTE to apply the patch directly to your system) - always consult your system administrator before applying any patches; ensure you understand the implications of the patch and back up your system before implementation.

However, applying OSS notes for FIORI App is often not as straight forward as a simple patch step above as the example FIORI OSS note below: 

Example: OSS Note 1 Error Description and Resolution:
#### **OSS Note example from Repository: Authorization Errors in Fiori App**
- **Version:** 001
- **Priority:** Critical
- **Status:** Released
- **Component:** FIORI-AUTH
- **Affected Releases:** SAP S/4HANA 2020+, SAP BTP

- Users receive "No Authorization" errors despite correct role assignments.
- App-specific permissions not recognized.

- Missing PFCG role inheritance for the Fiori app’s catalog.
- Incorrect scope in OAuth 2.0 configuration (BTP).

1. Add catalog `/APPNAME` to PFCG role via transaction PFCG.
2. For BTP, update XSUAA scope in `manifest.json` to include `$XSAPPNAME.Display`.
3. Redeploy app and refresh user tokens.

Example: OSS Note 2 Error Description and Resolution:
#### **OSS Note example from Repository: Fiori Launchpad Tiles Not Loading**
- **Version:** 001
- **Priority:** High
- **Status:** Released
- **Component:** FIORI-UL-LAUNCH
- **Affected Releases:** SAP S/4HANA 2021, SAP BTP CF 2105

- Tiles in the Fiori Launchpad fail to load, showing "Loading..." indefinitely.
- Error message "Failed to load tile configuration" in browser console.

- Incorrect caching of tile metadata due to corrupted browser storage.
- Missing backend OData service activation.

1. Clear browser cache or launch the app in an incognito window.
2. Activate OData service `/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE` in transaction SICF.
3. Apply SAPK-12345 patch for UI5 version 1.96.1.
4. Regenerate Launchpad content via transaction `/UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE`.


Question: Is it possible to use 3rd Party Scenario for LEAN Service, meaning Sales Order generating PR for LEAN Service and subsequent SES then LIV to LEAN Service Vendor and Billing to the Customer requesting the LEAN Service ?

*** You can find this solution under S4SD1 Blog Posting as it is related to SD-MM Integration but via SD 3rd Party Sales Scenario ***

Answer: Yes, it is possible to use the LEAN Service in the Sales Order to generate a PR for LEAN Service to be done by Vendor to a Customer (in a 3rd Party Sales Process), and when time permit; a BLOG Post will be posted to illustrate the scenario in question:
*** Pending Blog Posts ***

Question: How to setup InCO term Location treatment in S/4HANA in preparation for S/4 TM module in the future ? 

Answer: Here is a simple blog posts to setup the INCOterm Location in S/4HANA.


Question: Review how to Display Business Partner ? 

Answer: Below is blog posting steps for Display Business Partner FIORI App:


Question: Selected relevant summary of changes in the Material Master in S/4HANA ?

Answer: The Blog Posts shows some of the important changes to the Material Master in S/4HANA including the following:
  • Material Type introduction Product Type Group "2" for LEAN Service Material Master.
  • Material Master code field length increase from 18 to 40. 
  • MRP2 Quota Arrangement Usage field remove due to simplification.
  • MRP3 Consumption Mode "5" (Consume in Period).
  • MRP4 BOM Selection Method field removed as Production Version is Mandatory. 
  • MRP4 Storage Location segment is removed forcing use of MRP Area for SLoc Planning Control.
  • Advanced Planning view for Embedded PPDS.


Question: Simple use of INCO Term in S/4HANA?

Key points about Incoterm location in S/4HANA:
Flexibility in configuration:
User can set whether the Incoterm location field is mandatory or optional depending on the company's requirements (especially if TM is to be used).
Importance for logistics:
So far as at S/4HANA 2023, Incoterm location is not mandatory but specifying the Incoterm location can be pivotal for precise logistics planning and scheduling, and perhaps this is especially true when dealing with international trade. 
Impact on cost and responsibility allocation:
The Incoterm location helps define where the responsibility for transportation costs and risks transfers between buyer and seller.

Answer: See the following BLOG Post:


Question: Self-Service Procurement Scenario step-by-step ?

Answer: Self-service procurement in SAP S/4HANA is a process that allows employees to request goods and services without needing direct involvement from a purchaser. The process is designed to be faster, easier, and smoother using FIORI UX Apps and Internet Catalog. 
See the following Blog Posts illustrating the process step for Self-Service Procurement for S/4HANA:


Question: LEAN Service setup and processing review in S/4HANA /

Answer: Lean Service PRs are identified by "product type group" as Service (2). Purchase orders for lean service are identified with "product type group" 2 and can be created without purchase requisition. There are now 3 options for Services Procurement:
  • Classic Simple Service using Material type DIEN with PO-GR-LIV (ECC + S/4)
  • External Service using Service Master with PO-SES-Approval-LIV (ECC + S/4)
  • LEAN Service using Material type SERV with PO-Fiori SES-Approval -LIV (S/4)
Refer to the following Blog Posts for an example of the LEAN Service in SAP in S/4HANA 2024. 


Question: How to address the issue of the following no longer possible in S/4HANA: 
  • Material Master MRP 4 SLoc data segment. 
  • IMG t-code OMIR (refers to the transaction "Define Storage Location MRP per Plant," which allows users to customize Material Requirements Planning (MRP) settings for specific storage locations within a plant, essentially defining whether a storage location should be included in MRP calculations or not.) 

Answer: The Blog Posts show the difference between Storage Location MRP/Planning Control in ECC Ehp8 vs S/4HANA setup:


Question: Compare the difference between Classic MRP and MRP Live ? 

Answer: SAP S/4HANA as of 1511 (November 2015) introduced a new MRP functionality called MRP Live, which was basically the same concept and the same logic, but improved for better performance on an SAP HANA database. Since then, the previously existing MRP and its transactions have become known as classic MRP to help differentiate between the versions. From a planner's perspective, it is important to note that MRP Live offers advantages as well as disadvantages: 
  • When SAP created the SAP HANA database, there was a huge opportunity to improve MRP performance using the power of SAP HANA’s in-memory parallelization. Therefore, SAP decided to improve classic MRP, pushing the MRP logic into the database layer and creating MRP Live.
  • Instead of using User Exit for Selected Materials if used MD01 or MDBT, MRP Live via MD01N uses Multiple Material Section, Selection by Product Group, Selection by MRP Controllers. 
  • In Classic MRP, execution of MPS Materials and MRP Materials uses different t-codes; however, MRP Live can have choice to execution both MPS and MRP Material or either one. 
  • For Materials activated for Advanced Planning, MRP Live can also include in the same planning run but will use the PPDS Heuristics. 
  • App ID F1339 (Schedule MRP Run) Fiori App combines MD01 and MDBT as the FIORI App can be used to create Background or Online Jobs as desired by the Planner. 
  • NETPL Planning File Entry feature is not supported (ie: only NETCH and NEUPL). 
  • MRP List will not be created. 
  • For Procurement type "F", the system always create Purchase Requisition as Planning Horizon is no longer available in OPPQ (Plant Parameter) and SMK (Scheduling Margin Key) in MRP 2 view is no longer Mandatory. 
  • Production Version is Mandatory for Procurement type "X" and "E". 
The new MRP Live has been defined by SAP as the future architecture, which means that all the innovation in this area will be focused on MRP Live, rather than classic MRP. Therefore, it is highly recommended that new SAP S/4HANA implementations use MRP Live as their default planning tool.

Note: To switch from MRP Live to classic MRP in SAP, you can use the transaction code MD_MRP_FORCE_CLASSIC which allows you to explicitly force specific materials to be planned using the classic MRP logic within an MRP Live run; you can also set this option directly in the material master record for individual materials to always use classic MRP planning instead of MRP Live. 

See the following Blog Post for an illustration of the difference between Classic MRP and MRP Live: 


SAP SCM-EWM - Create Storage Bins using Structure

Monday, February 17, 2025

Q&A in Class (2025-02-17) S4EA1


Question: the Idea of Phased-Based Maintenance. 

Answer: In S/4HANA, recommended (but not Mandatory) is the new approach of "Phase-Based Maintenance" which allows the "Screening Process" especially for Corrective Maintenance scenario. SAP introduce a new approach to configure Priority Determination via user defined Q&A to determine the Risk Assessment in order to determine the Priority. Then there will be a step wise approach for Submission - Action - Reject/Accepted before the Notification is converted to Maintenance to process the Corrective Maintenance. 
See the following Blog Post:


Question: new "Request Maintenance" in S/4HANA Plant Maintenance Process.

Answer: In SAP S/4HANA there are 2 Fiori apps available for creation of maintenance notification:
Request Maintenance (F1511) (recommended for Corrective Maintenance)
Report Malfunction (F2023) (recommended for Breakdown Maintenance)
Blog Posts step by step, Fiori App and SAP online help below:'F1511A')/S30PCE


Question: new "Malfunction Report" in S/4HANA Plant Maintenance Process.

Answer: Report Malfunction app is designed mainly for technicians for to be used in Emergency Breakdown process. It is included in default role SAP_BR_MAINTENANCE_TECHNICIAN. 
Blog Posts step by step, Fiori App and SAP online help below:
Report and Repair Malfunction (Fiori App "Report and Repair Malfunction" ID 2023)


Question: Review on Preventive Scenario via FIORI App in S/4HANA 2023.

Reference: see the following Blog Post:


Q&A in Class (2025-02-17) S4H00


Question: SAP Joule review as the latest AI assistance that replaces the outgoing SAP AI Co-Pilot (according to SAP). 

Answer: Launched in September 2023, Joule is a copilot based on generative AI, integrated into SAP solutions for business-relevant processes like HR, finance, supply chain, purchasing, and sales on the SAP Business Technology Platform. Joule will be expected to provide accurate answers, uses natural language, learns from existing data, and facilitates faster decision-making while ensuring data privacy. Its key capabilities include executing transactional and navigational business tasks, providing informational capabilities via conversational search, and offering transparent role-based access with consistent user experience across SAP's solution portfolio. SAP's strategy is to integrate Joule into all of SAP's products and services. With SAP-Microsoft partnerships, Joule will be integrat with Copilot for Microsoft 365
Here are some references on SAP Joule:


Question: LTMC issues.

Answer: Historically, these are the following Data migration methods in SAP:
  • LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) (introduced in R/3) not recommended in S/4HANA
  • LTMC (Legacy Transfer Migration Cockpit) (2015 to 2021) deemed obsolete
  • Migrate your Data (the recommended approach)
"Migrate your Data" is the new "Migration Cockpit" for S/4HANA using Fiori app that replaces LTMC and LSMW for S/4HANA data migration. 

Until I have access to the FIORI App to test its capabilities, hope the following references can be helpful.
See the following reference: 


Question: Tables for Logistics Overview Review for S/4HANA.

Answer: (<---- One of the better Resources on S/4HANA tables resource)


Question: Useful documentation on S/4HANA conversion from ECC.

Answer: Some of the useful documentations in PDF on SAP implementation for S/4HANA: