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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Q&A in Class (2024-12-04) S4520


Question: Review "Unknown Material" (Item Category "M") in the Quantity Contract with Document type "MK" processing steps.

Characteristics of this Scenario (Material Unknown Quantity Contract):
  • It is available for Purchasing Contract only (not in PR, RFQ, Quotation, PO or SA).
  • Can be used in both Quantity Contract and Value-based Contract.
  • No Material Entry is expected in the Contract. 
  • Since no Material allowed, user must enter UOM, Material Group (and of course also Short Text, Target Qty).
  • Important is the Price as ALL PO material must have same price as the Contract.
  • Plant is optional because can use Central Contract without Plant.
  • Item Category "M" will be used.
  • PO material cannot exceed the Target Qty and Delivery date in PO item within Validity Period. 
  • User can use Exclusion or Inclusion Rule in the Contract to exclude or include selected Materials allowed to be entered as PO item against the Material Unknown Contract. 
Answer: see Blog Post link below:


Question: Review Central Contract without Plant with Plant Conditions.

Characteristics of this Scenario (Central Contract w/o Plant with Plant Conditions):
  • Pre-requisites are
    • PO Purchasing Org must be assigned to Contract Purchasing Org
      • to allow reference (mandatory)
      • to allow Contract price copy to PO price (optional)
  • Contract created washout Plant for the Contract item. 
  • Item Category is "Blank" (Standard). 
  • Material master is expected in the Contract item. 
  • Plant Conditions can be entered in the Contract. 
  • PO is issued by the "Local" Purchasing Organization. 
Answer: click Link below for detail process steps: 


Question: Contract inclusion rule in Material Group Contract.

Answer: click Link below for detail process steps: 


Question: Contract exclusion rule in Material Unknown Contract.

Characteristics of "Exclusion Rule" for Material Group Contract.
  • Only applicable to "Value-Based Contract' of Document type "WK"/. 
  • Item Category "W" is used for the Contract item.
  • Material Group (Material master is not allowed). 
  • Price of Materials in the PO expected to be the same as the Contract item Material Price. 
  • The Conclusion Exclusion rule imposed on the Contract Item will set what Materials (with the same Material Group) as the Contract, end result is the Materials entered will be generated Source List with "Block" indicator. 
Answer: click Link below for detail process steps: 


Question: Show a process orientation comparing the Contract with "MK" doc type against the Scheduling Agreement with "LP" doc type, from Master Data setup to PP forecast, MRP to auto generate the PR to Contract or Schedule lines.

Characteristics of the SAP MM Purchasing Contract:
  • Can be based on Quantity based (Doc type “MK”) or Value based (Doc type “WK”).
  • Do not support Stock Transfer between Plant.
  • Contract support features such as Material Unknown or Material Group. (BUT it is also possible to create Contract w/o Material for Consumable cases).
  • Contract support External Service with Item Category “D”.
  • Plant is Optional for Central Contract without Plant.
  • Goods Receipt with reference to Contract is not possible.
  • Goods Receipt will be via the PO assigned to the Contract.
  • Contract can be included in the Source List without or with MRP Relevancy “1”.
  • With MRP Relevancy “1”, MRP run can generate PR assigned to the Purchasing Contract.
Characteristics of the SAP MM Scheduling Agreement (SA):
  • All Scheduling Agreements are Quantity based only (LP, LPA or LU in std SAP).
  • Support Stock Transfer between Plant via Doc Type “LU”.
  • SA do not support Material Unknown or Material Group as the Material is expected. (BUT it is also possible to create SA w/o Material for Consumable cases).
  • SA do not support External Service and as Item Category “D” allowed.
  • Plant is Mandatory as Central SA w/o Plant is not supported.
  • Goods Receipt with reference to the SA is allowed.
  • Goods Receipt will be via Delivery Schedule created in the SA.
  • SA can be included in the Source List without or with MRP Relevancy “2”.
  • With MRP Relevancy “2”, MRP run can generate Delivery Schedule to the Scheduling Agreement.
Answer: click Link below for detail process steps: 


Question: Show a process orientation of the classic RFQ/Quotation in S/4HANA 2023.

Characteristics of the SAP MM RFQ/Quotation:
  • Doc type "AN" provided by standard SAP in installed based (ECC and S/4 2023). 
  • Validity Period is at the Header due to field selection key assigned to the Doc type "AN".
  • There is a target value in the RFQ Header which the Quotation can be converted to a Value-based Contract of Doc type "WK" (but this has to be simulated to check if it works in S/4 2023). 
  • No all item category is delivered for Doc type "AN" (only item category "-", "D", and "S" in standard delivery, user can add more item categories like "L", "K" etc but this will have to be tested if it is supported).
  • The Account Assignment Category field is not found on the item overview of Doc type "AN" and a scan in the Field Selection key configuration cannot find the Account Assignment Category field (so, we can assume A/A is not allowed for now).
  • The "Collective No." field in the RFQ header is highly recommended (not mandatory for Doc type "AN") which can be used for RFQ/Quotation listing (ME4S) as well as filter criteria for Quotation Comparison (ME49). 
  • RFQ is entered in ME41 while Quotation (same number as RFQ) can be entered either in ME47 or ME49. 
  • RFQ and Quotation shares the same Document number (RFQ w/o Price, Quotation with Price). 
  • Basically the RFQ via ME41 is a facilitation entry screen to create 1 or more RFQs in the "Address" screen (both Vendor and One-time-Vendor is allowed). 
  • One of the limitation of Quotations Comparisons via ME49 is that only PRICE is the criteria, as ME49 will always sort by Quotation by PRICE (no other choices). 
  • In ME49, user can choose to set Rejection Indicator for a Quotation to generated Message Output "ABSA" (Rejection Letter). 
  • In ME49, user can choose to set the Info Record update/create indicator to update/create Purchasing Info Record.  
Answer: click Link below for detail process steps:


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