This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Question no 4038 : Where can Forecasting run be executed

In SAP PP or MM Forecasting as at S/4 1909, Forecasting Run can be executed in which of the following ?

(more than one answers)

A. When creating a Planned Independent Requirement.
B. When creating a Material Sales & Operations Plan.
C. In the Material Master in the Forecasting data view.
D. Interactively when creating a Long Term Planning Scenario.
E. When creating a Product Group Sales & Operations Plan.

Answer: A, B, C

A) In MD61, the Forecasting results done in Material Master Forecasting view OR MP30 can be copied to the PIR quantities. In additional, user can perform Forecasting run based on Consumption History to generate the PIR quantities here in MD61. 

B) In MC87, Material SOP Plan can execute Interactive Forecasting to generate the planning quantities.

C) Material Master Forecasting data view do have a Forecasting facility.

D) LTP scenario does not have any Forecasting tools.

E) In MC81 for Product Group SOP Plan, the menu do provide access to the Forecasting but it will read "Error reading Consumption data" (Message MA518)

Monday, March 3, 2025

SAP SCM-EWM - Setup Warehouse Process Type Determination

Q&A in Class (2025-02-28) S4TM1


Question: Overview of the Big Picture of S/4HANA Transportation Management.

Answer: S/4HANA TM is planned to replace the LE-TRA (Classic Transportation) module with a dead line of 2017. 
click to see an Overview of SAP TM in a nutshell:


Question: a View of the End-to-End of Outbound with TM processing until Invoice.

Answer: SAP TM supports many transportation scenario: 
Air Freight
Sea Freight
See the following link for Outbound Delivery with TM integration for "Road Transportation":


Question: What are the methods to Auto generate (Manual or Mass Generate Geocoding data) in APO Locations for Transportation Management in S/4HANA?

Answer: There are few methods of either Manual in /SAPAPO/LOC3, Auto via SA38 with program /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION or Mass creation via transaction /SAPAPO/MASSGEOCODE; see the following Blog Post: 


SAP MM - Business Partner Incoterm Loc. 1 ID & Incoterm Location 1 Field Selection


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Q&A in Class (2025-02-26) S4PR1


Question: Problem with Field Section for Incoterm Location 1 as it cannot be configured via BP Role ? 

Answer: Some of the Field Groupings are in DISPLAY mode for that Influencing factor, take note of the "Field Grouping" and check "other Influencing Factors" for if that "Field Grouping" can be configured. For a detail example of the steps, you can check the Blog Post below: 


Friday, February 28, 2025

SAP QM - Results Recoding and Usage Decision via FIOR UX Apps

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Q&A in Class (2025-02-28) S4EWM


Question: An Overview of S/4HANA EWM.

Answer: see the presentation below:


Question: Demonstration the process flow of SD Outbound Delivery with EWM processing.

Answer: Check the steps for Outbound Delivery with EWM:


Question: Execute an Inbound Process with "Process-Oriented Storage Control" (Decomposition Process) with example to Unpacked 2 material from a BOX delivered by the vendor and then repacked into separate boxes before storage into EWM.

Answer: See the following step by step: Storage Control (Decomposition Process)/


Question no 4037 : "Planning Time Fields" in Advanced Planning

In SAP Production Planing as at S/4 1909, which of the following "Planning Time fields" are valid ?

(more than one answers)

A. Plant Parameter Planning Horizon.
B. MRP Group Parameter Planning Horizon.
C. MRP 1 view Time Fence.
D. PPDS Planning Horizon.
E. SNP Horizon.

Answer: C, D

A, B) The Classic Planning Horizon in Plant Parameter (OPPQ) and MRP Group (OPPR) no longer available.
C) Planning Time Fence in MRP 1 view is still valid which effectively seen in MD04 and APO Product view.
D) PPDS Horizon can be set for each Advanced Planning Version.
E) The APO SNP module is not yet available in S/4 1909.

SAP MM - Import Supplier Invoice FIORI App ID F3041


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SAP QM - Product Part Approval Process (PPAP) for First Article Inspection (FAI) scenario using Quality Info Record

 CLICK here to view the Presentation

Thursday, February 27, 2025

SAP PP - MRP Preparation for Advanced Planning (S/4 2023)


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Q&A in Class (2025-02-27) S4MA1


Question: In S/4HANA, MRP Live (MD01N) was introduced as a complement to MD01 (Classic MRP Run), there are differences is methodologies and the following will explain the differences. 

Answer: Classic MRP vs MRP Live as below example:


Question: Activating for Advanced Planning in Embedded S/4HANA is different from classic ECC integration to the APO system.

Answer: It is important to understand the basic steps involved for both Master Data and Transaction Data Reconciliation when Activating for Advanced Planning in S4/HANA for Imbedded PPDS.
See the following how to:


Question: DDMRP explained.

Answer: DDMRP is the acronym for Demand-Driven material requirements planning (MRP), an approach to material control and replenishment that improves on the functionality of traditional MRP. Because DDMRP is demand driven, it is by definition more sensitive and responsive to the variations in demand and supply that can cause shortages.
Exploring DDMRP below:


Question: Review of the "pMRP" Fiori App:

Answer: in ECC, SAP introduced the LTP (Long Term Planning) for simulation planning run but it is limited to Infinite Capacity and an iterative process. With the new HANA engine, SAP in S/4HANA introduced "pMRP (Predictive MRP)", the FIORI App improve on the classic LTP function which helps to identify Capacity Issues and recommending Levelling to the in-active Planned Independent Requirement which subsequently can the Released as an active PIR. The APP can be used without activating "Advanced Planning".
See the example of a pMRP run below:


Question: Production Planning (Advanced Planning) is now available as Embedded PPDS in S/4HANA. 

Answer: The following blog posts shows an overview of Embedded PPDS Run in S/4HANA:


SAP MM - "Manage Purchasing Contract" App S/4 2023

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Q&A in Class (2025-03-26) S4SD1


Question: Does S/4HANA support LEAN Service scenario in 3rd Party SD Sales Order?

Answer: a Search in do not find any documentation on LEAN Service application for 3rd Party Sales Order (search today). The found problem is that the validity start date and end date as required in the PR for LEAN Service cannot be found in the Sales Order item. The Error Message is "Message No. MM_PUR_REQN005". Unfortunately no relevant OSS Noted can be found for the Message related to 3rd Party Sales Order. 

There are also no known configuration or default value via configuration for the LEAN Service Start date and End date. 

Caution: unless I am unware of others possible configurations required to enable LEAN Service for 3rd Party Sales Order scenario. Hence, the possible solution for this requirement will be pending for future investigations. For now, this Q&A will be on "Pending Status" until further investigation. 

However, as below is the simulation of using Material with Material type "DIEN" for 3rd Party Sales Order scenario tested in S/4HAN2023 and the use case of "DIEN" Material type for Services in this case is supported in S/4HANA. 


Question: 3rd Party SD Sales Order with classic Material type "DIEN". 

Answer: 3rd Party SD Sales Order with classic Material type "DIEN" was a widely used process in ECC and the following Blog Post is to demonstrate is this classic scenario can also be executed in S/4HANA (simulation in S/4HANA 2023):


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Question no 4036 : QI stock transfer with Inspection Lot Active

In SAP Quality Management, which of the following are TRUE about transferring QI stocks with Quality Inspection active ? 

(more than one answer)

A. Transfer between Plant is not possible.
B. Only the full quantity of the Inspection Lot can be transferred.
C. Movement Type 323 is used for the transfer.
D. The destination storage location must be activated for QM inspection type.
E. Transfer within the Plant and Cross Plant is allowed.

Answer: B, C, E

A, E) within Plant is allowed and cross Plant is also allowed, the destination plant must also be activated for QM inspection.
B) no partial transfers of Inspection lot quantity.
C. Movement Type 323 is used for both within Plant and cross Plant transfer.
D. Activation of QM Inspection is at the Plant level.

Other features:
Transaction code QAC2 is used for the Transfer
A Reason Code for Movement Type 323 is possible in QAC2
Document date and Posting date is allowed in QAC2
Also available is Document Header Text

SAP SD - INCO Term technical upgarde for SD-TM integration


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SAP Technology - SAP Joules AI

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