In SAP PM, the Material Reservation Document created from component assignment in the Maintenance Order has the following characteristics.
(more then one answers)
A) The Reservation cannot be accessed via MB22 (Change Reservations).
B) The Reservation cannot be deleted manually.
C) The Reservation's movement allowed indicator is set automatically by releasing the maintenance order.
D) The Reservation is generated when you release the maintenance order.
E) The Reservation is deleted when the maintenance order is technically completed.
(more then one answers)
A) The Reservation cannot be accessed via MB22 (Change Reservations).
B) The Reservation cannot be deleted manually.
C) The Reservation's movement allowed indicator is set automatically by releasing the maintenance order.
D) The Reservation is generated when you release the maintenance order.
E) The Reservation is deleted when the maintenance order is technically completed.
All Reservations not created manually cannot be changed manually or delete, only display is allowed. Only the source that created the reservation can change or remove the reservation. (example, reservations created from a Production Order can only be changed or deleted via the Production Order). The Movement allow indicator of the reservation is control by the "Release" of the Production Order.