This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Monday, December 31, 2012

Question no 1777 : Purchasing Value Key

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following parameters are configured within the Purchasing Value Key ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Delivery reminder in days.
B)    Over and Under delivery tolerances.
C)    Order Price Quantity delivery tolerances.
D)    Order Acknowledgement indicator.
E)    Account Assignment object default.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Question no 1776 : SD determination rule

In SAP SD, on the basis of MALA rule, which of the following is used for Picking determination ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Delivery Plant.
B)   Shipping Condition.
C)   Loading Group.
D)   Storage Condition.
E)   Shipping Point.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Question no 1774 : SD determination Rule

In SAP SD or LE, the following data elements: Shipping Point, Ship to Party, Transportation Group, and Shipping Condition are used to determine _________________ .

(only one answer)

A)     Warehouse number.
B)     Delivery Plant.
C)     Transportation Zone.
D)     Route.
E)     Transportation Planning Point.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Question no 1773 : Business Area Determination

In SAP ECC6.0, which of the following are possible methods of determining the Business Area ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Plant/Valuation Area.
B)   Sales Area and Plant.
C)   Material Master Material Group and Plant.
D)   Material Master Division and Plant.
E)   Sales Area.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Question no 1772 : Schedule Line Category Determination

In SAP SD ECC6.0, which of the following data elements are used to determine the Schedule Line Category ?

(more then one answers)

A)  Item category group of the corresponding material.
B)  Item category of the corresponding material.
C)  Material type of the corresponding material.
D)  Material group of the corresponding material.
E)  MRP type of the corresponding material.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Question no 1771 : SD Sales Document item category

In SAP SD ECC6.0, the item category in a Sales Document is determined by which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Item Category Group.
B)   Document type.
C)   Usage.
D)   Higher Level Item Category.
E)   Sales area.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Question no 1770 : Alternative Labeling

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following is TRUE about the use of Alternative Labeling ?

(more then one answers)

A)     You must activate in the customizing to use it.
B)     Once activated, the use of alternative labeling is mandatory.
C)     The primary labeling system determines the actual structure of the functional location.
D)     The alternative labeling do not change the original structure using the primary labeling system.
E)     A different structural indicator can be used for the alternative labeling system.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Question no 1769 : Product Structure Browser

In SAP LDM, the Product Structure Browser allows you to view the structure of which of the following SAP objects ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Bill of Material.
B)    Equipment hierarchy.
C)    Functional Location hierarchy.
D)    Classification class and characteristics structure.
E)    Project system Network and WBS structure.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Question no 1768 : People Integration Component of Netweaver

In SAP ECC6.0, which of the following are the sub-components of the "People Integration" aspects of SAP Netweaver ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Collaboration.
B)   Enterprise Portal.
C)   Business Warehouse.
D)   Exchange Infrastructure.
E)   Multi-Channel Access.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Question no 1767 : Auto PO Generation at Goods Receipt

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the Auto PO Generation at Goods Receipt require which of the following Customzing ?

(more then one answers) 

A)    A Standard Purchase Organization assigned to the Goods Receiving Plant.
B)    A Standard Purchase Organization assigned to the User performing the Goods Receipt.
C)    Enter the Parameter ID value of the Purchase Organization to the User Profile.
D)    Auto PO indicator assigned to the desired Movement Type used for the Goods Receipt scenario.
E)    Auto PO indicator assigned to the Purchase Document Type which will be used to Genrated the Auto PO.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Question no 1766 : No Accounting Posting for which Movement Type

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following Movement Type do not result in Accounting Posting ?

(more then one answer)

A)      101.
B)      103.
C)      105.
D)      107.
E)      109.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Question no 1765 : Movement type for Quality Inspection

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following movement type will direct the material into Quality Inspection Stock Type ?

(more then one answers)

A)     503.
B)     563.
C)     103.
D)     523.
E)     513.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Question no 1764 : Account Posting for Goods Movement

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following scenario for goods movement do not result in an Accounting Document created ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Free-or-charge delivery (Mvt 511) for a "MAP" material.
B)    Transfer Posting of a material from Storage Location to Storage Location in the same Plant (Mvt 311).
C)    Free-or-charge delivery (Mvt 511) for a "Standard Price" material.
D)    Initial entry of Stock Balances (Mvt 561).
E)    Goods Receipt of by-products (Mvt 531).

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Question no 1763 : Free-of-charge delivery for "Standard Price" material in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the Free-of-charge  delivery movement type "511" when used for a "Standard Price" material, what are the characteristic goods movement posting ?

(more then one answers)

A)    An info record is not necessary during the goods movement.
B)    A Purchasing Organization is required to be entered duirng the goods receipt in order to look for the PIR.
C)    Both the Quantity and Value of the Stocks will be increased.
D)    An Accounting Posting will debit the Stock and Credit a P&L Account.
E)    The MAP of the material will be recalculated.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Question no 1762 : Free-of-charge delivery for "MAP" material in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the movment type "511" is used for Free-of-charge delivery, assuming the material is with price control "MAP", what are the characteristics of the goods receipt of using "511" for this material ?

(more then one answers)

A)   No Accounting Document will be posted.
B)   An Info Record must be present during the Goods movement posting.
C)  The MAP price in the material master will be adjusted.
D)  An Accounting document of Debit Stock and Credit Gain in Stock Account is posted.
E)  The Stock quantity will be increased but not the total stock value.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Question no 1761 : Order type dependent parameters for PP Orders

In SAP PP ECC6.0, which of the following are non-plant specific parameters for the Production Order type ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Settlement Profile.
B)    Confirmation Profile.
C)    Status Profile for Order Header.
D)    Status Profile for Operations.
E)    Availability check parameters.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Question no 1760 : Production Orders

In SAP PP ECC6.0, when a production order is created ......

(more then one answers)

A)   Reservations are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "L".
B)   Reservations are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "R".
C)   Purchase Requisitions are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "N".
D)   Service Entry Sheets are generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "D".
E)   Reservations are not generated for the Bills of Material items with item category "T".

Friday, December 14, 2012

Question no 1759 : ME21 vs ME21N

which of the following incorrectly describes the use of the Traditional entry screens (eg: ME21 for the traditional purchasing order creation session) and Enjoy entry screens (eg: ME21N for the enjoy purchasing order creation session) in the SAP system ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  The enjoy screen sessions generally allows the user to switch between create, change, and display sessions easily.
(B)  Purchasing documents created from the traditional data entry screens are not accessible from the enjoy screen sessions.
(C)  Purchasing documents created from the enjoy data entry screens are not accessible from the traditional screens sessions.
(D)  It is possible to restrict certain materials to use the traditional entry screen method and other materials enjoy entry screen method.
(E)  The use of enjoy data entry screens are created for all sap users while the traditional data entry screens were created for the non sap users.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Question no 1758 : Vendor Master characteristics

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the following statements about vendor master are correct ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   The same vendor master record cannot be maintained for both procurement and accounts payable because they are both different application modules in the R/3 system.
(B)   The same vendor master record is setup for both the procurement and accounts payable applications.
(C)   The vendor master record is divided into 3 categories: General data, Accounting/Company data, and Purchasing data
(D)   The vendor master record is divided into 3 categories: General data, Purchasing data, and Plant data.
(E)   You can block a vendor master record for all procurement possibilities or for an individual material via the source list.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Question no 1757 : Purchase Order Creation Options

In SAP MM, a Purchase order can be created from the following scenarios ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  From only one purchase requisition items
(B)  Items form several purchase requisitions
(C)  Reference from another existing purchase order
(D)  From quotation items
(E)  From contract items

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Question no 1756 : MAP treatment

In SAP MM ECC6.0, for a material that has price control “moving average”; if the stock quantity is less then the invoice quantity at Invoice Verification and the Invoice Price is larger then the Purchase Order Price, what happens to the Account Posting ?

(only one answer)

(A)   The system posts part of the difference to the “Expenditure/income from price differences” account instead of the stock account.
(B)   The system posts all of the differences to the “Expenditure/income from price differences” account instead of the stock account.
(C)   The system post all of the differences to the stock account instead of the “Expenditure/income from price differences” account.
(D)   The system posts part of the differences to the “Income from price differences” account; other differences to the “Expenditure from price differences” account, and none to the stock account.
(E)   The system posts part of the differences to the “Reconciliation” account instead of the stock account.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Question no 1755 : Planned and Unplanned Delivery Cost

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following are true about planned and unplanned delivery costs ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Planned delivery costs are entered in the purchasing document as agreed with the vendor, changes are not allowed at invoice verification.
(B)   Planned delivery costs are entered in the purchasing document as agreed with the vendor, a provision account is posted at goods receipt, and later cleared when the invoice is received.
(C)   Planned delivery costs are entered in the purchasing document as agreed with the vendor. At goods receipt, the total costs of material and planned delivery costs will be posted to the a GR/IR account and later cleared when the invoice is received.
(D)  Unplanned delivery costs are not entered in the purchasing document. However, a provision account is posted at goods receipt and later cleared when the invoice is received.
(E)  Unplanned delivery costs are not entered in the purchasing document. There are no relevant account posting related to delivery costs at goods receipt. Invoice with regards to unplanned delivery costs are posted at invoice verification.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Question no 1754 : Valuation at Plant Level

In SAP MM ECC6.0, when valuation is set at the plant level ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  You can valuate a material in different plants at different prices.
(B)  You should have an accounting view for the material at every plant that it requires quantity and value updating for those plants.
(C)  You are able to use production planning but not product cost accounting components.
(D)  You are able to use both production planning and product cost accounting components.
(E)  You can valuate a material in different plants at different prices but the price control must only "moving average price" or "standard price" for all the plants for the same material.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Question no 1753 : Consumable scenario

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which are the following possibilities are relevant for the consumables procurement scenario ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  A material number is not possible in the purchasing document.
(B)  A material number is possible but not necessary in the purchasing document.
(C)  An account assignment is mandatory.
(D)  Both stocks account and consumables account can be posted if the alternatives are configured correctly.
(E)  All other purchasing documents can use the scenario except purchasing requisition as it does not have a header.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Question no 1752 : Material Type Influencing Factors

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the material type is an influencing factor in configuring the material master has which of the following control features ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Determines which user departments can maintain the material.
(B)  Determines the procurement type. (internal or external)
(C)  Assist in automatic account determination process.
(D)  Field selection.
(E)  Procurement type (internal, external or special procurement options such as subcontracting, consignment)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Question no 1751 : Quotation Comparison

In SAP MM ECC6.0, key features for the Quotation comparison function are ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Comparing several related quotations against a reference quotation.
(B)  Comparing several related quotations and list the lowest price, and average quotation values.
(C)  Excluding discounts and delivery costs in the price computations
(D)  Update or create purchase info record.
(E)  Reject as well as set a quoted price to be a market price.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Question no 1750 : Reconciliation Account in the Vendor Master

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the reconciliation account for the Vendor Master record is created for which of the following reason ?

(only one answer)

(A)   Bank reconciliation is the General Ledger for accounts payable payment by Bank transfer or cheque.
(B)   Bank reconciliation in the General Ledger for accounts payable payment by cheque only.
(C)   It provides the means of handling the vendors open item balances as well as payments.
(D)   It provides the control account for a possible group of vendors in the General Ledger.
(E)   It provides the account number for the subledger number in FI where the total liabilities are updated per vendor.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Question no 1749 : Account Group in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following is true about the account group ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  It provides the determination for number range assignment for vendor master.
(B)  Both an internal and external number range are assigned to an account group.
(C)  It provides the determination of partner functions from the Partner Schema assignment.
(D)  It is used for determining the G/L account relevant for Invoice Posting.
(E)  It is used for field selection of the vendor master’s General, Accounting/Company, and Purchasing view.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Question no 1748 : Purchasing Info Record

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following is correct about pricing determination from a Purchasing Info Record ?

(only one answer)

(A)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system terminates the purchasing document creation session with a warning message.
(B)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system reads the number of an alternative info record that was registered in the previous purchasing document creation session and then suggest the price from this alternative info record.
(C)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system terminates the purchasing document creation session with an error message.
(D)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system reads all the previous purchasing document and suggest the best price.
(E)  If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system reads the number of the last purchasing document in the info record and then suggests the price from this document.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Question no 1747 : Reference document at LIV

In SAP MM ECC6.0, Invoice verification can be done with reference to which of the following ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Purchase order no.
(B)  Delivery note number.
(C)  Bill of Lading.
(D)  Service entry sheet
(E)  Contract

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Question no 1746 : Stock Types in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, in SAP MM you can posts a goods receipt for a material without batch from a purchase order or a production order into a warehouse (Plant/Storage Location) into which stock types:

(more than one answers)

(A)  Unrestricted-use stock (no usage restrictions)
(B)  Restricted-use stock (usage restrictions)
(C)  Quarantine stock
(D)  Quality inspection stocks
(E)  Blocked stock

Friday, November 30, 2012

Question no 1745 : Purchase Requisition follow-on process

In SAP MM ECC6.0, a purchase requisition can be converted to which of the following purchasing document ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  RFQ
(B)  Planned order
(C)  Purchase Order
(D)  Scheduling Agreement
(E)  Production Order

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Question no 1744 : External Services Procurement Scenario

In SAP MM ECC6.0, External services procurement scenario are handled through the following methods:

(more than one answers)

(A)  A special item category for services is required.
(B)  A special document type for services is required.
(C)  Goods receipt is possible but service entry is suggested.
(D)  Service master is required.
(E)  Service master is not necessarily required.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Question no 1743 : Info Record Generation

In SAP MM ECC6.0, info record can be created from the following sources or methods except which of the following ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Contract
(B)  MRP run
(C)  Quotation
(D)  Purchase requisition
(E)  Purchase order

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Question no 1742 : Blanket Purchase Order

In SAP MM ECC6.0, what are the characteristics of Blanket purchase orders ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Goods receipt is not possible.
(B)  Both goods receipt and invoice verification is not possible.
(C)  Goods receipt is not possible but invoice verification is possible.
(D)  An account assignment object is mandatory at the purchase order.
(E)  Account assignment unknown is allowed in the purchase order.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Question no 1741 : Material Master Price Control

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following statements is not true about price control of the Material Master ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Price control “V” always results in price difference account posting in both goods receipt and invoice verification.
(B)  Price control “S” always results in price difference account posting in goods receipt but not during invoice verification.
(C)  Price control “V” sometimes results in price difference account posting in goods receipt but never in invoice verification.
(D)  Price control “S” sometimes results in price difference account posting during goods receipt or invoice verification.
(E)  Price control “V” never results in price difference account posting in goods receipt, but sometimes price difference account posting occur in invoice verification.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Question no 1740 : Subcontracting Goods Receipt

In SAP MM ECC6.0, when a goods receipt for a subcontracting purchase order is posted, ….

(only on answer)

(A)   The relevant components according to the BOM quantities of the subcontracting material will be reduced.
(B)   The relevant components according to the BOM quantities will be transferred from unrestricted stock to subcontracting stocks.
(C)   The relevant components according to the BOM quantities will be transferred from subcontracting stocks to unrestricted stocks.
(D)   The relevant components according to the BOM quantities of the subcontracting material will be increased.
(E)   The relevant components according to the BOM quantities of the subcontracting material will be procured.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Question no 1739 : Logistics Information System

In SAP MM ECC6.0, in Logistics Information systems; “PO quantity”, “PO values”, “No. of deliveries” are characterized as which of the following:

(only one answer)

(A)  Characteristics
(B)  Key figures
(C)  Keys
(D)  Info fields
(E)  Numeric fields

Friday, November 23, 2012

Question no 1738 : 3-way matching in MM LIV

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the three way matching in logistics invoice verification does the following :

(only one answer)

(A)   Matching the purchase order price and quantity against the supplier invoice price and quantity.
(B)   Matching the purchase order price against the supplier invoice price.
(C)   Matching the purchase order quantity against the supplier invoice quantity.
(D)   Matching the goods receipt quantity against the purchase order quantity and supplier invoice quantity.
(E)   Matching the goods receipt quantity against the supplier invoice quantity.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Question no 1737 : ME49 Quotation Price Comparison

In SAP ECC6.0 MM, which of the following are possible selection criteria for processing quotation price comparison ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Requirement tracking number
(B)  RFQ number
(C)  Vendor
(D)  Collective RFQ number
(E)  Material number

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Question no 1736 : One Time Vendor

In SAP MM ECC6.0, a one time vendor has the following characteristics ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   The vendor master record has significantly less master data setup requirement compared to a permanent vendor.
(B)   It can be used only in RFQ purchasing document.
(C)   It can only be used only once for a procurement instance via a purchase order.
(D)   The vendor’s address is required at purchasing document creation.
(E)   The vendor’s address is optional at purchasing document creation.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Question no 1735 : Material Master

In SAP ECC6.0 MM, which of the following statements are true about Material Master ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Material master has views that reflect individual department data requirements
(B)   Material master record views are at client, purchasing organization and plant levels.
(C)   Each material is assigned to a material type when it is first created, changes to another material type is not allowed once inventory are posted.
(D)   Each material is assigned to a material type when it is first created, changes to another material type is always possible as the flexibility ensures data consistencies.
(E)   A material master can be created with only the Basic view.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Question no 1734 : User PID

In SAP, User parameters do not have the following features in the Standard SAP System ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  All fields in the SAP system have parameter IDs.
(B)  Some field in the SAP system have parameter IDs.
(C)  Parameter ID values can be defaulted or mandatory entry.
(D)  Parameter ID values can be defaulted only.
(E)  All users are assigned to a parameter ID value table.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Question no 1733: ASAP

In SAP, which ASAP program phase provides a means to assess the initial risk, define core competencies requirements, and scope assessment ?

(only one answer)

(A)  Discovery/Evaluation Phase
(B)  Pre-Sale Phase
(C)  Implementation/Ramp-up Phase
(D)  Scope Assessment Phase
(E)  Operation & Continuous Improvement Phase

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Question no 1732: Workplace

In SAP, the characteristics of Workplace Enterprise Portal are the following, Except ?

(only one answer)

(A)  Users can access a wide range of applications depend on their role.
(B)  Users can access applications beyond R/3 such as legacy systems and other mySAP components
(C)  Users can access applications beyond R/3 but not 3rd party systems
(D)  Users access is via Web browser
(E)  Users no longer need to have multiple user log-in identifications.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Question no 1731: mySAP applications

In SAP, “A Global Enterprise have manufacturing facilities in Asia, Europe, and South America. Its financial, R&D, and production planning are carried out centrally in Walldorf, Germany for all its facilities. The company’s manufacturing facilities houses machinery and equipment’s which require extensive attention to its availability for productive use. Finished products are distributed to depots and very large Distribution Centers world wide before delivered to smaller warehouses. In the past few years, the R&D department has found a need to work with the regional marketing division as well as suppliers throughout the world to design and market products for the global consumer. Due to increase in the product range and smaller lot size production, it has been difficult to synchronize the production and distribution of the products with the current legacy system”.

Which of the following mySAP applications would you recommend based on the statement above ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  mySAP Industry Solution for Retail
(B)  mySAP SCM
(C)  Warehouse Management
(D)  mySAP PLM
(E)  mySAP CRM

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Question no 1730, mySAP SCM

In SAP, MySAP SCM’s Extended Capabilities are:

(more than one answers)

(A)  Supply Chain Design
(B)  Foreign Trade Logistics
(C)  Transportation Management
(D)  Transportation Planning
(E)  Demand and Supply Planning

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Question no 1729: ABAP concepts

In SAP, “It offers a stable, standardized interface for integrating third-party applications and components in the Business Framework. The interfaces are defined within the SAP initiative with customers, partners, and leading standardization organizations”.

The statement above best describe which of the following ?

(only one answer)

(A)   BO (Business Object)
(B)   ALE (Application Linked Enable)
(C)   SII (Standard Interface Integration)
(D)   BOR (Business Object Repository)
(E)   BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Question no 1728: mySAP Technology

In SAP, which of the following comments appropriately characterize the mySAP Technology ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Business Objects (BO) contains Attributes and Methods.
(B)  “To Change address” is a Method within the BO.
(C)  Fields from a table are synonymous to Attributes in the BO.
(D)  Methods are application programs that belong to the BO.
(E)  A BO can have many methods.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Question no 1727: mySAP SAP Components

In SAP, which of the following statements correctly describe mySAP Applications Components ?

(only one answer)

(A)   mySAP Technology’s key building blocks are Portal infrastructure, Web Application Server, and Exchange infrastructure.
(B)   mySAP BI’s key building blocks are Business Warehouse, and Exchange infrastructure.
(C)   mySAP SRM’s key building blocks are Procurement, Warehouse Management, and EBP.
(D)   mySAP CRM’s key building blocks are Sales Force Automation, Call Center, and Demand Planning
(E)   mySAP PLM’s key building blocks are Quality Management, Warehouse Management, Plant Management, Project Management, and E&HS (Environmental, Health & Safety)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Question no 1726: mySAP SCM for Procurement

In SAP, mySAP SCM for Procurement (Materials Management) application components includes the following functionality except:

(more than one answers)

(A)   Material ledger
(B)   External Services Procurement
(C)   Consumption Based Planning
(D)   Warehouse Management
(E)   Inventory Management

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Question no 1725: SSO

In the SAP system, SSO (Single-Sign on) is a system characteristics of which mySAP component ?

(only one answer)

(A)  mySAP Portal
(B)  mySAP Exchange
(C)  mySAP Technology
(D)  mySAP SSO
(E)  mySAP Workplace

Friday, November 9, 2012

Question no 1724: Using SAP

In SAP, if you wish to work with few menus at a time in R/3, the best way is to …..

(only one answer)

(A)   Log in with 2 users
(B)   To have 2 monitors
(C)   To open more than one sessions
(D)   Via ABAP modifications
(E)   None of the above

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Question no 1723: SAP Transaction code find-out

In SAP, how can you find the transaction code associated with a screen or process ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Use “?Status” in the command box
(B)   End of the tree structure in the SAP Standard menu
(C)   Use the menu : System -> Status
(D)   Use the menu : System -> User parameter
(E)   At the Title Bar

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Question no 1722: SAP Transaction code

In Navigating through the SAP system, what are the possible ways to get to different processes or transactions and menus ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Use transaction codes
(B)   Use the SAP Standard menu tree structure to navigate
(C)   Use the role based menus provided by SAP
(D)   Use the status bar below to navigate
(E)   Use the favorites to navigate

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Question no 1721: Entry Aids for Material Master

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following entry aids is best suited to maintain consistent MRP parameters for a group of materials with similar planning parameters and forecasting parameters ?

(only one answer)

(A)  MRP profile and Forecasting profile
(B)  Reference material
(C)  Collective entry of MRP data
(D)  Mass maintenance
(E)  User specific settings

Monday, November 5, 2012

Question no 1720: RFQ

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following is the key identifier to group several RFQs together ?

(only one answer)

(A)  RFQ Number.
(B)  Notification Number.
(C)  Call Number.
(D)  Collective Number.
(E)  Requirement Tracking Number.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Question no 1719: Message Output for Purchasing Documents

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following purchasing document do not have message output determination ?

(only one answer)

(A)   Purchase order
(B)   Delivery schedule
(C)   Contract
(D)   Request for Quotation
(E)   Purchase Requisition

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Question no 1718: Purchasing Scenario

“The finished product is ordered from a vendor. The components that the vendor needs to manufacture the finished product are entered as “material to be provided” items. We will pay vendor for the services of assembly. Unused components belongs to us and we have the right to bring them back to our stocks. When the finished products are completed, the vendor then delivers them to us."

Which of the following item category appropriate for the above procurement scenario ?

(only one answer)

(A)   Manufacturing order
(B)   Third-party order
(C)   External Procurement
(D)   Consignment
(E)   Subcontracting

Friday, November 2, 2012

Question no 1717: MM Storage Location

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following need not be unique in a R/3 system installation ?

(only one answer)

(A)   Company code
(B)   Plant
(C)   Storage Location
(D)   Purchasing Organization
(E)   Distribution Center

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Question no 1716: Procurement Process

In SAP MM ECC6.0, select the appropriate sequence depicting the procurement cycle:

I       PO processing
II      Determination of requirements
III     Invoice verification
IV     Goods receipt
V      Source determination
VI     Vendor Selection
VII    PO monitoring
VIII   Payment processing

(only one answer)

(A)   V, VI, II, VII, I, IV, III, VIII
(B)   V, VI, II, I, VII, IV, III, VIII
(C)   II, V, VI, VII, I, IV, III, VIII
(D)   II, V, VI, I, VII, IV, III, VIII
(E)   II, VI, V, I, VII, IV, III, VIII

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Question no 1715: Assignment of Cross-Company Purchasing Organization

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the following setup/configuration is required for a cross-company code purchasing organization scenario.

(only one answer)

(A)   Assign the purchasing organization to selected companies
(B)   Assign the purchasing organization to selected plants only
(C)   Assign the purchasing organization to all plants within a client
(D)   Assign the purchasing organization to selected companies and selected plants
(E)   Assign the purchasing organization to all companies and all plants

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Question no 1714: Cross Company Purchasing Organization

In SAP MM ECC6.0, a cross-company code purchasing organization will be able to carry out which of the following business process scenario ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Contract negotiations
(B)   Procurement for plants across several companies
(C)   Company specific purchasing info record for Quotation prices
(D)   Central procurement processes
(E)   Procurement restrictions for selected materials

Monday, October 29, 2012

Question no 1713: Purchasing Header detail and line details

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following documents have both header detail and line details ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Purchase order
(B)   Purchase requisition
(C)   Outline agreement
(D)   Request for Quotation
(E)   Delivery schedule

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Question no 1712: Packing in Outbound Delivery

In SAP SD/LE, the Packing function is available at which of the following process ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Orders.
B)    Inbound Delivery.
C)   Outbound Delivery.
D)   Shipping Document.
E)    Billing Document.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Question no 1711: Difference in Picking Using WM

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, what happens when there is a difference in Picking using Warehouse Management ?

(more then one answers)

A)    If the picked quantity and delivery quantity is not the same, it can always post goods issue.
B)    A new delivery is created for the remaining item for partial delivery.
C)    A new transfer order is created for the remaining item.
D)    Change the delivery quantity to be equal to the picked quantity before post goods issue.
E)    If the picked quantity and delivery quantity is the same, it can always post goods issue.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Question no 1710: WMTA Output Control for Outbound Delivery

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, the standard output type WMTA for Outbound Delivery's first access (key combination) is which of the following ?

(only one answer)

A)    Delivery type.
B)    Shipping Point.
C)    Delivery Plant.
D)    Delivery type and Shipping Point.
E)    Delivery type, Shipping Point, and Delivery Plant.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Question no 1709: Options for Printing in WM for Outbound Delivery

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, the following options for printing using a print code for Outbound Delivery are ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Single Print.
B)   Combined Print.
C)   Pick List.
D)   Split Print.
E)   Collective List Print.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Question no 1708: Lean WM Structure

In SAP SD/LE, the Lean WM Structure offers the setup for which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Storage Type.
B)    Storage Section.
C)    Picking Area.
D)    Staging Area.
E)    Door.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Question no 1707: Lean WM for Outbound Delivery

In SAP SD/LE, Some of the WM functions not included in Lean WM are which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Storage section.
B)    Strategies for putaway and pikcing.
C)    Inventory at storage bin level.
D)    Fixed bin storage.
E)    Replenishment.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Question no 1706 : Overall Release

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following purchasing documents allows "Overall Release" for the Release Strategy ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Purchase Requisition.
B)    RFQ.
C)    Purchase Order.
D)    Contract.
E)    Scheduling Agreement.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Question no 1705 : ERS for External Services

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement) for External Services Scenario requires which of the following setup ?

(more then one answers)

A)    ERS indicator in the Vendor Master.
B)    GR-Based IV indicator in the Service Conditions.
C)    Tax code in Purchase Order item detail.
D)    ERS indicator in the Purchasing view of the Material Master.
E)    Company code assigned with "ERS" indicator in the Customizing.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Question no 1704 : Service Master

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following are mandatory data fields when creating a Service Master ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Service Description.
B)    Service Category.
C)    Valuation Class.
D)    Pricing Control.
E)    Purchasing Group.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Question no 1703 : Kanban Process with Schedule Lines

In SAP PP Kanban ECC6.0, Kanban replenish can work with delivery schedules for a scheduling agreement, do select the correct characteristics ?

(more then one answers)

A)   When the kanban status is set to EMPTY, the system automatically creates a schedule line which is transferred to the vendor.
B)   The delivery address is taken from the control cycle.
C)   At the GR, there is always a 1:1 relationship between the Kanban and the scheduling agreement schedule line.
D)   Kanban indicator must be set in at the Purchasing view of the Material Master.
E)   It is possible to print a kanban in the central GR with or instead of a goods receipt/issue slip.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Question no 1702 : Kanban characteristics

In SAP PP Kanban ECC6.0, the  ___________ defines where the supplier has to deliver the material (for example, gate 1). It is printed on the KANBAN card or is included in the summarized JIT call when it is called.

(only one answer)

A)    Delivery Address.
B)    Storage Location.
C)    Shipping Point.
D)    Unloading Point.
E)    Goods Receipt Area.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Question no 1701 : Kanban Supply Area

In SAP PP Kanban ECC6.0, the common characteristics of the Kanban Supply Area can be the following EXCEPT :

(only one answer)

A)    A person responsible for the Production Supply Area.
B)    The person responsible is the MRP Controller.
C)    Unloading Point for External procurement.
D)    Delivery address in the supply area.
E)    A factory calendar.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Question no 1700 : E&HS Workbench

In SAP E&HS ECC6.0, which of the following are available Workbench accesses ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Specification Workbench.
B)    Substance Workbench.
C)    Dangerous-Goods Workbench.
D)    Waste Workbench.
E)    Agent Workbench.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Question no 1699: Route Schedule

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, A Route Schedule is configured to customizing assigned to which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Shipping Point.
B)    Order type.
C)    Delivery Plant.
D)    Purchasing Document type.
E)    Delivery type.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Question no 1698: Time Elements in Hours for Outbound Delivery

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, which of the following time elements you can have "Hours" entered instead of "Days" for the Precise and Daily Scheduling of a Delivery item ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Pick/Pack time.
B)    Transit time.
C)    Transportation Lead time.
D)    Loading time.
E)    Shipping time.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Question no 1697: Time Elements for Outbound Delivery

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, which of the following are TRUE about time elements in Backward Scheduling of an Order item ?

(more then one answers)

A)   The Loading time comes from the Shipping Point but not the Pick/Pack time.
B)   The Pick/Pack time comes from the Shipping Point.
C)   Both the Loading time and the Pick/Pack time comes from the Shipping Point.
D)   The Transportation Planning time comes from the Route.
E)   The Load time and Transportation Planning time comes from the Route.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Question no 1696 : Process message for Time Event Confirmation

In SAP PPPI ECC6.0, which of the following Process Messages are not Time Event Confirmation ?

(only one answer)


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Question no 1695 : SNP Penalty Costs for Non Delivery

In SAP APO5.0 SNP, which of the following are valid Penalty Costs for Sales Orders (delays) in SAP APO SNP ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Penalty costs for non delivery.
B)    Penalty costs for delayed delivery per day.
C)    Maximum delayed allowed (in days).
D)    Global and Location specific product penalty costs.
E)    Penalty costs by material group.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Question no 1694 : Transportation

In SAP ECC LES ECC6.0, the Transportation module includes supports which of the following processes ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Incoming shipments in Materials Management based on purchase orders.
B)    Incoming shipments in Materials Management based on shipping notifications. 
C)    Outbound shipments in Sales and Distribution based on sales orders and deliveries. 
D)    Direct Production Orders between 2 Plants. 
E)    Transfers between storage location based on reservations. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Question no 1693 : SNP Process Flow

In SAP APO SNP ECC6.0, which of the following are not part of the SNP process flow ?

(more then one answers)

A)    TLB Run.
B)    Deployment Run.
C)    Heuristic Planning Run.
D)    CTM.
E)    Release SNP results to DP.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Question no 1692 : CFM1

In SAP ECC6.0, the Core Interface Program "CFM1" allows you to transfer which of the following data from R/3 to APO ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Supply Area.
B)    MRP Area.
C)    Plant.
D)    Purchasing Info Record.
E)    Manual Reservations.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Question no 1691 : Joint Production Costing

In SAP PPPI ECC6.0, the Joint Production Costing in PPPI has the following characteristics ?

(more then one answers)

A)    It requires an Appointment Structure.
B)    Only when you have Co-Products.
C)    It requires a Production Version.
D)    Batch management is a requirement.
E)    The Material type must allow for the Joint Production Costing.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Question no 1690 : PI Message Monitor

In SAP PPPI ECC6.0, t-code "CO54XT" Message Monitor provides the Controller with which of the following information ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Current processing status of process messages.
B)    Send messages if there are not send by the background job.
C)    Delete messages.
D)    Complete and correct messages.
E)    View messages which are terminated.

Question no 1689 : Confirmation of Process Orders

In SAP PPPI ECC6.0, which of the following confirmation options are not possible for Process Orders ?

(only one answer)

A)    Confirmation for Phases.
B)    Confirmation for Secondary Resources.
C)    Confirmation for Operations.
D)    Confirmation for Process Order.
E)    Confirmation via the PI-Sheet.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Question no 1688 : Master Recipe Operations

In SAP PPPI ECC6.0, you can assign which of the following to the operations of the Master Recipe ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Primary Resources.
B)    Secondary Resources.
C)    Material Components.
D)    Inspection Characteristics.
E)    Relationships.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Question no 1687 : Master Recipe contents

In SAP PPPI ECC6.0, which of the following are contents possible within the Master Recipe ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Processing steps.
B)    Resources.
C)    Materials.
D)    Personnel number.
E)    Quality Inspection data.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Question no 1686 : SD Billing Options

In SAP SD Billing ECC6.0, which of the following are valid SD Billing Options ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Background processing of Billing due list.
B)   Manual processing of Billing due list.
C)   Periodic Billing based on a billing schedule.
D)   Billing for Sales Order without delivery process.
E)   Billing for for a partial delivery.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Question no 1685 : REM Profile

In SAP PP REM ECC6.0, the Repetitive Manufacturing Profile provides which of the following controls ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Online correction of backflushing.
B)    GR to be posted automatically at last reporting point.
C)    How Planned Orders are reduce during goods receipt.
D)    Treatment of Planned Order creation when reversing backflush.
E)    Which BOM and Routing used for the Planned Orders.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Question no 1684: Delivery type for a Certain Business Transaction

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, which of the following in the Delivery Type configuration is used to differentiate between a Sales Order and a Free-of-Charge Delivery ?

(only one answer)

A)    Document Category.
B)    Order Reference.
C)    Default Order Type.
D)    Requirement for item independent of an Order.
E)    Transaction Procedure.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Question no 1683: Default Order Type in Delivery Type

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, the "Default Order Type" found in the Delivery Type configuration is used for what purpose ?

(only one answer)

A)    Control criteria used in-case of Delivery Type without Order Reference.
B)    Control criteria used in-case of Delivery Type with Order Reference.
C)    Control criteria used in-case of Delivery Type for Non-Sales Order based Reference.
D)    Control criteria used in-case when the Sales Order header data has in-complete information.
E)    Control criteria used in-case of a Purchase Order is referenced.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Question no 1682: Batch Determination for Inventory Management

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the batch determination procedure for Inventory Management application is assigned to which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Document Type and Movement Type.
B)    Document Type, Plant, and Movement Type.
C)    Event type, Plant, and Movement Type.
D)    Movement Type.
E)    Movement Type and Plant.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Question no 1681: Shipping Point

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, which of the followings are CORRECT about the Shipping Point ?

(more then one answers)

A)   The Shipping Point is the top level of Organizational Unit for Shipping.
B)    A Shipping Point can be allocated to several Plants.
C)    A Shipping Point can be divided into several Loading Points.
D)    A Delivery is always limited from exactly one Shipping Point.
E)    A Shipping Point has an address.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Question no 1680: Delivery Type for Inbound Delivery

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, Standard SAP provides a list of Standard Delivery Types, which of the following delivery type is provided for Inbound Delivery ?

(only one answer)

A)    EL.
B)    LB.
C)    LF.
D)    LO.
E)    LP.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Question no 1679: Delivery Types

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, the function of the Delivery Type controls which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Number assignment of the Delivery Order.
B)    Message Output.
C)    Route Determination.
D)    Transportation Relevance.
E)    Delivery Split by Warehouse Number.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Question no 1678: Shipping Point Determination

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, the Shipping Point can be determined for each item in the Sales Order, what are the factors which determines the Shipping Point ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Shipping Condition of the Sold-to-Party.
B)   Shipping Condition of the Ship-to-Party.
C)   Loading Group of the Material Master at the Sales/Plant view.
D)   Loading Group of the Material Master at the Sales Area view.
E)   The Delivery Plant.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Question no 1677: Inbound deliveries

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, a Shipping Point may also be set as a _______________, which means it can also be used for inbound deliveries.

(only one answer)

A)    Loading Point.
B)    Incoming Point.
C)    Goods Receipt Area.
D)    Goods Receipt Point.
E)    Inbound Point.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Question no 1675: Shipping Processing

In SAP SD/LE as at ECC6.0, which of the following specific activities can you complete within the shipping process ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Picking.
B)    Packing.
C)    Goods issue.
D)    Printing and distribution of shipping documents.
E)    Sales pricing condition confirmation and approval.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Question no 1676: Shipping Point

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, which of the following statements are TRUE about the Shipping Point ?

(more then one answers)

A)    A Shipping Point is determined in the Order at the header level.
B)    A Shipping Point is determined in the Order at the item level.
C)    A Shipping Point can processed the outbound deliveries of only one Plant.
D)    A Shipping Point can processed the outbound deliveries of several Plants.
E)    The Shipping Point assigned to the Plant must first be assigned to the Company code.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Question no 1675: Shipping Monitoring

In SAP SD/LE ECC6.0, the main organizational object for monitoring of shipping due dates, creating and managing the delivery is ___________________ .

(only one answer)

A)     Transportation Planning Point.
B)     Sales Area.
C)     Shipping Point.
D)     Plant.
E)     Delivery Plant.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Question no 1674: Combining Outbound Deliveries

In SAP SD/LE as at ECC6.0, when several Outbound Deliveries are grouped together, for example several outbound deliveries are loaded into a truck and the truck then delivers to several shipping points and several ship-to-parties along a route, this document is called ________________ .

(only one answer)

A)    Shipment document.
B)    Delivery document.
C)    Route document.
D)    Collective Outbound Delivery document.
E)    Combined Delivery document.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Question no 1673: Processes of Delivery

In SAP SD/LE as at ECC6.0, the different processes of delivery such as delivery scenario for Stock Transport Order, sub-contract PO, return to vendor etc are modeled using _________________ .

(only one answer)

A)  Account Assignment.
B)  Shipping Point.
C)  Delivery Type.
D)  Route.
E)  Plant.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Question no 1672: Applications Areas for the Delivery Process

In SAP SD/LE as at ECC6.0, which of the following areas of applications are supported using the Delivery Processes ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Stock transport order between plants.
B)    Delivery of Sub-contracting Purchase order items to Vendors.
C)    Returns to vendor via Purchase Orders.
D)    In-bound delivery for Purchase Orders.
E)    Out-bound delivery for Sales Orders.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Question no 1671: The Delivery Document

In SAP SD or LE as at ECC6.0, the Delivery Document header contains unique information of which of the following for the entire Delivery Document ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Ship to Party.
B)   Shipping Point.
C)   Item Category.
D)   Route.
E)   Material.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Question no 1670: Logistics Execution

In SAP LE as at ECC6.0, the processes supported by LE (Logistics Execution) includes which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)     Warehouse Management.
B)     Inventory Management.
C)     Shipping.
D)     Transportation.
E)     Batch Management.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Question no 1669: 3 decimal uom

In SAP PP ECC6.0, if a raw material input quantity is 0.24689 gram to produce 1 kg of a finished product. The raw material was setup with base unit of measure as gram and purchasing unit of measure as kg. What is your recommended setup of the raw material in the BOM as SAP only allows 3 decimal places ?

(only one answer)

A)    change the base uom to milligram and purchasing uom to gram.
B)    retain the base uom as gram and change the purchasing uom to gram.
C)    increase the base quantity in the BOM header to 100 kg or more.
D)    change the uom of the raw material in the BOM to milligram.
E)    round up the quantity to 0.247 gram.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Question no 1668: Backflushing

In SAP PP ECC6.0, Backflushing can be setup using which of the following method ?

(more the one answers)

A)   Material master MRP2 view.
B)   Work center.
C)   BOM item detail.
D)   Component assignment to operation in the Routing.
D)   Routing header.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Question no 1667: Controlling Product Cost Estimate

In SAP PP/CO ECC6.0, in order to control a material for product cost estimate calculation, especially for new product development until mass production, which of the following is your recommendation ?

(only one answer)

A)     Use the correct material type.
B)     Do not create the Bills of Material and Routing until mass production begins.
C)     Do not create the Costing view of the material master until mass production begins.
D)     Assign an appropriate material status to the material master.
E)     Set the item status in the BOM to control the "costing relevancy".

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Question no 1666: MRP mechanics

In SAP PP ECC6.0, the following is valid for a successful material planning run ?

(more then one answers)

A)   An accounting data view is not necessary.
B)   A purchasing data view is mandatory.
C)   The material's MRP3 view must be set with availability check group.
D)   A purchasing info record is required during the MRP un.
E)   MRP3 and MRP4 data views parameters are not necessary.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Question no 1665: Bill of Material

In SAP ECC6.0, the Bill of Material can be created in the following manners except ?

(more then one answers)

A)    create a BOM without material and assign to several materials.
B)    create a BOM without plant and assign to several plants.
C)    create a BOM for a material group with inclusion indicator.
D)    create a BOM without material and plant, then assign to several materials and several plants.
E)    create a BOM as a Variant BOM of other materials.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Question no 1664: Lot Sizing

In SAP PP ECC6.0, a planner wants to implement a fixed-lot sizing rule but wish the final lot calculation to be without remnant quantities,
for example:
current stock : 0
PIR in period n+1 : 500, two fixed lot size of 400
PIR in period n+2 : 500, one fixed lot size of 400
PIR in period n+3 : 500, final lot size of 300
total demand and supply is 1500, no remnant quantities.

Which of the following would you recommend ?

A)    switch to "EX" lot sizing rule.
B)    manually change the MRP calculated last lot size to 300.
C)    configure MRP run to ignore the final PIR, and manually create the PR.
D)    set the indicator "last lot exact" in the fixed lot sizing rule.
E)    use consumption based planning.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Question no 1663: PP Work centers

In SAP ECC6.0 PP, which of the following statements are true about PP work centers ?

(more then one answers)

A)    More then one PP work center can be assigned to one cost center.
B)    The formulas for capacity calculation and scheduling need to be the same.
C)    More then one capacity categories are allowed for each PP work center.
D)    Implementing shift sequence in a PP work center is optional.
E)    A PP work center must use the same factory calendar from the Plant the work center is created.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Question no 1662: Manufacturing method

In SAP ECC6.0, when a manufacturing scenario is in mass production, schedule for a product is of a longer run and product with less complexity, which of the following SAP manufacturing techniques would you recommend most suitable ?

(only one answer)

A)    Mass production.
B)    Process order based.
C)    Production order based.
D)    Repetitive manufacturing.
E)    Bulk manufacturing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Question no 1661: Phantom assembly

In SAP PP ECC6.0, the phantom assembly can be achieved via which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)   special procurement key in the material master.
B)   create a bill of material without a plant using a Phantom BOM Usage.
C)   using an appropriate item category in the BOM item.
D)   special procurement key in the BOM item detail.
E)   as long as material master is created without MRP view, it is Phantom Material.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Question no 1660: PP BOM

In SAP as at ECC6.0, if you create a BOM without reference to a Plant in PP, it is called a ________ .

(only one answer)

A)    Simple BOM.
B)    Material-less BOM.
C)    Non-plant BOM.
D)    Group BOM.
E)    Plant-less BOM.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Question no 1659: What PP Strategy

In SAP PP, which of the following PP strategies allow MRP run to recognize the Planned Independent Requirements ?

(more then one answers)

A)   Strategy 10.
B)   Strategy 20.
C)   Strategy 30.
D)   Strategy 40.
E)   Strategy 50.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Question no 1658: What PP Strategy

In SAP PP ECC6.0, choose a PP strategy that allows you to perform MRP run using Planned Independent Requirements in order to purchase the input materials but the finished goods is not allowed to be produced until the Sales Orders arrive.

(only one answer)

A)    Strategy 10.
B)    Strategy 20.
C)    Strategy 30.
D)    Strategy 40.
E)    Strategy 50.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Question no 1657: PP Strategy

In SAP ECC6.0 PP, a customer requires the planning for their major customers using sales order as the volumes are very high and the orders comes early with sufficient time for planning while they are also requirements to plan for warehouse sales to the public using planned independent requirements, which of the following strategy would you recommend ?

(only one answer)

A)    Strategy 10.
B)    Strategy 20.
C)    Strategy 30.
D)    Strategy 40.
E)    Strategy 50.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Question no 1656: Make-to-Order Strategy

In SAP ECC6.0 PP, which of the following are defined as Make-to-Order Strategies ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Strategy 10.
B)    Strategy 20.
C)    Strategy 30.
D)    Strategy 40.
E)    Strategy 50.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Question no 1655: Make-to-Stock Strategy

In SAP ECC6.0 PP, which of the following are not defined as Make-to-Stock Strategies ?

(only one answer)

A)    Strategy 10.
B)    Strategy 11.
C)    Strategy 30.
D)    Strategy 40.
E)    Strategy 50.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Question no 1654: PP Strategy

In SAP PP ECC6.0, a company wish to plan the MRP run based on the total of Sales orders and Planned Independent requirements as each are for different customers, which of the following strategy do you think is appropriate ?

(only one answers)

A)   Strategy 10.
B)   Strategy 20.
C)   Strategy 30.
D)   Strategy 40.
E)   Strategy 50.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Question no 1653: Assembly Order

In SAP ECC6.0 PP, which of the following strategy generates an assembly order (production order) when the sales order is created ?

(only one answer)

A)    Strategy 10.
B)    Strategy 20.
C)    Strategy 30.
D)    Strategy 50.
E)    Strategy 82.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Question no 1652: Strategy 20

In SAP PP ECC6.0, the Strategy 20 ____________________ .

(more then one answers)

A)   Make-to-Stock Strategy.
B)   Make-to-Order Strategy.
C)   Considers Make-to-Order Sales Order.
D)   Considers Planned Independent Requirements.
E)   MRP run will take place for Planned Independent Requirements.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Question no 1651: Strategy 50

In SAP PP ECC6.0, the Strategy 50 ____________________ .

(more then one answers)

A)   Make-to-Stock Strategy.
B)   Make-to-Order Strategy.
C)   Considers Make-to-Order Sales Order.
D)   Considers Planned Independent Requirements.
E)   MRP run will take place for Planned Independent Requirements.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Question no 1650: Strategy 40

In SAP PP ECC6.0, Strategy 40 considers which of the following ?

(more the one answers)

A)    Stocks.
B)    Planned Independent Requirements.
C)    Sales Orders.
D)    Existing Purchase Orders.
E)    Existing Production Orders.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Question no 1649: Strategy 10

In SAP PP ECC6.0, Strategy 10 considers which of the following ?

(only one answer)

A)    Stocks and Sales Orders.
B)    Stocks and Planned Independent Requirements.
C)    Sales Orders and Planned Independent Requirements.
D)    Only Planned Independent Requirements.
E)    Stocks, Sales Orders, and Planned Independent Requirements.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Question no 1648: Strategy 11

In SAP PP ECC6.0, Strategy 11 contains which of the following characteristics ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Stocks are not considered in the MRP run.
B)    Sales orders are not considered in the MRP run.
C)    Planned independent requirements are not considered in the MRP run.
D)    Sales quotations are not considered in the MRP run.
E)    Production orders are not considered in the MRP run.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Question no 1647: Item Category in MM

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following item category provides the item detail folder "Limit" ?

(only one answer).

A)    D.
B)    L.
C)    B.
D)    M.
E)    I.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Question no 1646: MRP can automatically create

In SAP PP&MM ECC6.0, MRP run can automatically generate which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Purchase Requisition.
B)    Purchase Order.
C)    Contract.
D)    Contract Release Order.
E)    Delivery Schedule for Scheduling Agreement.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Question no 1645: Maintenance Plan for External Services

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following statements are true about the use of Maintenance Plan for External Services ?

(only one answers)

A)    Only one service master can be entered in the Maintenance Plan.
B)    One or more framework PO can be entered in the Maintenance Plan.
C)    Only one technical object can be entered in the Maintenance Plan.
D)    One or more technical objects can be entered in the Maintenance Plan.
E)    No technical object can be entered in the Maintenance Plan.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Question no 1644: Read PP Master Data

In SAP PP ECC6.0, the "Read PP Master Data" function in Production order allows you to do which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    system status changes from "REL" to "CRTD".
B)    cannot be done when there is a confirmation or goods issue to the production order.
C)    option to re-explode the BOM and Routing data into the production order.
D)    option to read the material master and work center data into the production order.
E)    option to read the order type parameters into the production order.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Question no 1643: Technical Object

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following statements are true about Technical Objects ?

(more then one answers)

A)    The Material/Serial assigned to the Equipment need not be the same as the construction type.
B)    Functional Location may have a construction type but not Material/Serial assigned to it.
C)    A functional location may not have a subordinate functional location as well as an equipment installed to it at the same time.
D)    An equipment may have a subordinate functional location as well as an equipment installed to it at the same time.
E)    Both the functional location category and equipment category are used for number range decisions for functional location and equipment creation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Question no 1642: Calibration

In SAP PM as of ECC6.0, for Calibration Maintenance Planning, in order to automatically record measuring documents into measuring points from results recording of inspection lot, what setup is necessary ?

(only one answer)

A)    set the automatic on recording parameter indicator in the measuring point category.
B)    set the automatic on recording parameter indicator in the maintenance plan category.
C)    link the inspection characteristics to the measuring point.
D)    assign the the class characteristics used to create the measuring point to the inspection characteristics used in the calibration plan.
E)    assign an appropriate confirmation profile to the user.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Question no 1641: Serial Profile

In SAP PM as of ECC6.0, the Serial Profile assign to the material master do not have which of the following parameters ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Control the Synchronization of Equipment and Serial number.
B)    Equipment category type default.
C)    Ensure equipment creation is necessary during goods receipt.
D)    Alignment of Asset, Serial, Equipment during goods receipt.
E)    Set serial number user status for the Serial Master.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Question no 1640: Sychronization of Equipment and Serial

In SAP PM as of ECC6.0, the setting in-order to synchronize the equipment and serial number is done where ?

(only one answer)

A)   Material type configuration.
B)   Serial profile configuration.
C)   Serial level in the Plant/Storage view.
D)   Equipment type.
E)   Serial number range.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Question no 1639: IBAU

As at ECC6.0 SAP PM, the material type "IBAU" has which of the following characteristics ?

(more then one answers)

A)   It has Basic view and Classification view only.
B)   It does not have Accounting view and Purchasing view.
C)   It can be used as the header of a material BOM.
D)   It can be assigned as construction type to a technical object.
E)   It can be an assembly material in a multilevel material BOM.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Question no 1638: Maintenance Order type field selection

In SAP PM ECC6.0, The influencing factors for field selection for the Maintenance Order Header date and Reference Object are the following except which one ?

(only one answer)

A)    Maintenance Activity type.
B)    Order type.
C)    Planner group.
D)    Planning plant.
E)    Priority.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Question no 1637: Data Storage in BW

For SAP PM PLM318 on ECC6.0 regarding BW knowledge required for the PM exam.

_____________ in BW describes the quantity of all available data of a business transaction type. (such as Cost Center Accounting).

(only one answer)

A)   Data Source.
B)   Info Objects.
C)   Info Source.
D)   Info Provider.
E)   Communication Structure.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Question no 1636: MTTR

In SAP PM ECC6.0, in SAP Plant Maintenance PMIS (Plant Maintenance Information System), the key figure Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) displays __________________ .

(only one answer)

A)    the mean time for which the object in question was not operational.
B)    the mean time for which the object in question was operational.
C)    the mean time for which the object in question was repaired. 
D)    the mean time for which the object in question was in breakdown condition. 
E)    the mean time for which the object in question was not in preventive maintenance.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Question no 1635: Costing control in PM

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following is true about cost management for maintenance operations in maintenance order ?

(only one answer)

A)   The Control Key assign to the Maintenance Operation determine the costing relevancy of the operations.
B)   The user cannot influence the costing relevancy indicator from the Control Key in the Maintenance Order.
C)   The costing relevancy indicator for maintenance order operation is influenced by the Costing Variant assigned to the Order. 
D)   The costing relevancy indicator in the Control Key can only be changed before the Maintenance Order is released.
E)   The costing relevancy for Maintenance Operations is influenced by the Account Assignment of the Technical Object copied into the Maintenance Order.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Question no 1634: Costing Relevancy

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following statement is true about Costing Relevancy setting in the Plant Maintenance ?

(more then one answers)

A)   You can change it in the component detail in the Maintenance order for Stock items.
B)   You can change it in the component detail in the Bills of Material.
C)   You can change it in the component detail in the Maintenance order for Non-Stock items.
D)   You can change it in the operations detail in the Maintenance order for control key PM01.
E)   You can change it in the operations detail in the Maintenance order for control key PM02.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Question no 1633: Maintenance Costing

In SAP ECC6.0 for Plant Maintenance, which of the following costs treatment is true ?

(more then one answers)

A)   No actual costs are posted from Service Entry Sheet which is not approved.
B)   Invoice postings from "Stock" items are never registered as actual costs in the Maintenance Order.
C)   Unplanned goods issue with reference to the Maintenance Order are never included into the Actual Costs of the Maintenance Order.
D)   The goods receipt of External procurement (from control key PM02) is registered into the Actual Costs of the Maintenance Order.
E)   The goods receipt of External procurement (from "N" or non-stock material) is registered into the Actual Costs of the Maintenance Order.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Question no 1632: External Procurement Invoice in Maintenance Order

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following are true about Costing management in Plant Maintenance.
When the Maintenance Order is Released, which of the following costs treatment is true for Invoices of External procurement.

(only one answer)

A)   Invoice from external procurement can be registered as Actual costs only after the Order is set with status "TECO".
B)   Invoice from external procurement can be registered as Actual costs before and after the Order is set with status "TECO".
C)   Invoice from external procurement can be registered as Actual costs only after the Order is set with status "CLSD".
D)   Invoice from external procurement can only be registered as Actual costs only before the Order is set with status "TECO".
E)   Invoice from external procurement cannot be registered as Actual costs regardless of the Order status.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Question no 1631: Maintenance Costing

In SAP ECC6.0, which of the following are true about Maintenance Costing for Plant Maintenance ?

(more then one answers)

A)    The Estimated Cost can only be entered before the Maintenance Order is Released.
B)    Additional existing Value Categories can be inserted within the Maintenance Order.
C)    Overhead cost calculation for Planned Costs is determined when the Maintenance Order is Released.
D)    Estimated Cost can only be entered via the Value Category display.
E)    New Value Categories can be created in the Maintenance Order.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Question no 1630: Costing Variant

In SAP ECC6.0 for Plant Maintenance, the Costing Variant provides price/costs calculation/determination for which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Materials/Components.
B)    Activity types for Operations.
C)    Subcontracting.
D)    External Processing.
E)    Overhead Costing Sheet.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Question no 1629: User Status

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following do not allow user status assignment ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Components in Maintenance Order.
B)    Task list header.
C)    Task list operations.
D)    Notification's Task.
E)    Notification's Activities.