This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Question no : 79 LE WMS-PP Integration

In SAP WMS, In order to use the interface between Warehouse Management and Production Control You must create at least which of the following ?

A)   at least one production supply area.
B)   at least one control cycle.
C)   at least one picking area.
D)   at least one production supply area and one control cycle.
E)   at least one production supply area, one control cycle, and one picking area.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Question no : 78 QM Master Data Inspection Characteristic in Inspection Plan

Which of the following Keys you can used to ensure the entry of Inspection Characteristics in mandatory in the Task list in general ?

A)    Control Key.
B)    System Status.
C)    Standard Value Key.
D)    Field Selection.
E)    Operation Status.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Question no : 77 LDM Classification and OD

In SAP LDM, Which of the following Object Dependencies assignment is not allowed in Classifications ?

A)    Assignment of Selection Condition to the Characteristics.
B)    Assignment of Constrain to the Characteristics.
C)    Assignment of Pre-condition to the Characteristics.
D)    Assignment of Action to the Characteristics.
E)    Assignment of Procedure to the Characteristics.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

SAP What is # 2 - What is Rounding Profile ?

You can find the "Rouding profile" parameter by navigating in the Customizing as follows:
Use IMG path -> PP -> MRP -> Planning -> Lot-Size Calculation -> Maintain Rounding Profile.

The Rounding Profile key contains a series of Rounding Values based on Thresh-hold values.
For example: lot size from 1 - 59 will be rounded to 20.
For example: lot size from 60 - 899 will then be rounded to 100.
as depicted below.

From SAP的学习和考试 Learning & Examination

You can then assign the Rounding Profile to the MRP 1 view as below.

From SAP的学习和考试 Learning & Examination

This is how it is calculated: (look at the S/R list below)

You can see there are 2 reservations : 588 and 660 one after another.

As the stock is 0, the system will first consider the lot size for 588.
    Since lot size key is "EX", the gross lot size will be 588.
    The gross lot size falls into thresh-hold value of 60 - 899 range.
          with Rounding value of 100.
    Therefore 588 will be rounded to 600. (Round up)
    This result in 12 remnant stock (see the stock requirement list).

Next, let us look at the treatment for the second reservation of 660.
    considering the remnant stock of 12.
    Since lot size key is "EX", the gross lot size will be 648. .
    The gross lot size falls into thresh-hold value of 60 - 899 range
          with Rounding value of 100.
    Therefore 648 will be rounded to 600. (Round down)
    There is a 48 remaining demand to be treated.
    And that falls into thresh-hold value of 1 - 59 range
          with Rounding value of 20.
    Therefore 48 will be rounded to 60. (Round up).
    This will end with (600+60 = 660) for the second lot size.

From SAP的学习和考试 Learning & Examination

CONCLUSION: The Rounding Profile feature results in the MRP system using the mechanics illustrated above to derive the final lot size for the supply MRP element.

APPLICATION: Especially useful when the supplier or the buyer is having different packing sizes instead of 1. For example, the supplier have sizes of 20 per pack as well as 600 per pack.
So, it may supply with 1 box of 600 pack-size and 2 box of 20 pack-size for the order size of 640.

CAUTION: It overrides the simple Rounding value in the MRP view. When you combine the Rounding Profile with different lot size key, check and simulate the results before using the combination.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

PP Planning Strategy 52

Strategy '50' is used for MTO scenario where
PIR is allowed but Production for the FG is only allowed
when Sales Order comes in. The reason for
Strategy '50' over '20' is Sales Order lead time may be
too short for component planning. Hence, a PIR is
allowed with Strategy '50' to plan for the components.

Strategy '52' is a derivation of '50' and it is designed
for the MTS scenario. Here, the Production for the FG
is only allowed when the Sales Order comes in
(similar to '50' using the Order type 'VP' and Conversion Indicator).
However, the PIR will proceed with the Component Planning.

You can use the Individual/Collective Indicator
for both '52' and '50' to control the behavior of
the components to follow its parent or not.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Question no : 76 PM Master Data Structural Indicator

In SAP PM/CS, Which of the following is True about the use of "Structure Indicator" ?

A)   It is used in both the Functional Location and Equipment creation process.
B)   It is assigned to the Equipment category.
C)   The number range Group is used to contain the valid internal and external number ranges.
D)   It can only use internal number ranges generated by SAP.
E)   The maximum level is 40.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Question no : 75 PP MRP basics activation

The following are standard mandatory fields in the MRP views (when a material is activated for MRP run) in the standard MRP system except?

A)   MRP type.
B)   MRP controller.
C)   Lot size key.
D)   Procurement type.
E)   Goods receipt processing time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Question no : 74 MM Purchasing RFQ/Quotation concept

Which of the following statement is Not True about RFQ and Quotation ?

A)   Collective Number is in the Header of the RFQ.
B)   RFQ and Quotation document type uses the same number ranges.
C)   An RFQ can be created with an Account Assignment.
D)   A One time vendor can be used to create an RFQ.
E)   A rejection letter can be printed from a rejected Quotation.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Question no : 73 MM Account Determination Account Assignment Category

Which of the following key is used to different influence G/L Account Determination via the Account Assignment Category ?

A)   Cost object.
B)   Account grouping code.
C)   Account key.
D)   Account category reference.
E)   Valuation grouping code.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Question no : 72 MM Account Determination Principles

Which of the following are TRUE regarding features in Automatic Account Determination ?

I)    Valuation grouping code is mandatory.
II)   You can assign more then one plant to a Valuation grouping code.
III)  You can assign more than one valuation class to a Valuation grouping code.
IV)  You can assign one or multiple material type to an Account category reference.
V)   You can assing one or multiple valuation class to an Account category reference.

A)   I, II, V
B)   I, III, IV, V
C)   II, III, IV
D)   II, IV, V
E)   II, III, IV, V

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Question no : 71 PP MRP Opening Date

The duration between the "Opening date" and the "Order start date" for a planned order is called the "Opening Period", in which parameter the key is configured in the MRP view in the material master ?

A)    Safety time profile.
B)    Scheduling margin key.
C)    Lot sizing key.
D)    MRP controller.
E)    Strategy group.

Question no : 70 PP MRP "NEUPL"

Which of the following planning run transactions can be used for "NEUPL" ?

I)    Single-Item-Single-Level MRP run.
II)   Single-Item-Multi-Level MRP run.
III)  On-line MPR run at the Plant level.
IV)  Background MRP run at the Plant level.
V)   Interactive MRP run.

A)   I, II, III
B)   III, IV
C)   IV
D)   V
E)    I, II, III, IV, V

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Question no : 69 PP MRP Floats

"Float before production" and "Float after production" time buffers are to be set using which time Parameter ?

A)     Scheduling Margin Key.
B)     Routing Operation Detail.
C)     Production Scheduler Profile.
D)     Production Scheduler.
E)     MRP Controller.