This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Monday, March 31, 2008

Question no : 30 PM Execution Release Order activities

In SAP PM, Which of the following activities you can perform only after you have release the maintenance order ?

A)   Print shop papers, Withdraw material, Enter time confirmation, Create maintenance notification.
B)   Print shop papers, Withdraw material, Complete task, Assign personnel to work centers.
C)   Withdraw material, Complete task, Book goods receipts, Complete task.
D)   Print shop papers, Withdraw material, Book goods receipts, Create maintenance notification.
E)   Withdraw material, Book goods receipts, Complete task, Create maintenance notification.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Question no : 29 PM Execution TECO

In SAP PM/CS, If a maintenance/service work order is not allowed to be set to status "TECO", it can be likely due to which of the following:

I)   User status is blocking from setting "TECO".
II)  Existing Maintenance/Service Notification has remaining task not completed yet.
III) Remaining outstanding reservations of components not yet goods issue.
IV) System status checked for "CNF" not available yet.
V)  Completion date is still in the future.

A)  I, II
B)  I, II, IV, V
C)  I
D)  II, III, V
E)  I, II

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Question no : 28 MM Purchasing Order types

Which of the following parameters are controlled directly by a Purchase Order Document type ?

I)    Valid item category.
II)   Valid account assignment and item category combination.
III)   Valid account assignment.
IV)  Valid document link between purchasing document types.
V)   Number range.

A)   I, II, IV, V
B)   II, III, IV, V
C)   I, II, III, IV, V
D)   I, II, V
E)   I, IV, V

Friday, March 28, 2008

Question no : 27 MM Inventory DCI indicator

When the DCI or "Delivery Complete Indicator" in the Purchase Order is checked ...

I)     The PO is removed from the Stock Requirements List.
II)    The next step is settlement process before business closing.
III)   The PO is now accessible by display mode only.
IV)   All related Purchase Requisition to be PO will be closed as well.

A)   I only.
B)   I, II.
C)   III, IV
D)   IV
E)   I, III, IV

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Question no : 26 MM Master Data Material Master influencing factor

Which of the following are the correct influencing factors for field selection for material master ?

A)   Material type, User, Plant, Material group.
B)   Material type, Transaction code, Plant, Industry sector.
C)   Material type, User, Plant, Industrial Sector.
D)   Material type, User, Industry sector.
E)   Material type, User, Transaction code, Plant, Industrial Sector, Material group.

Step by Step HR : KO04 (Create Internal Order)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Question no : 25 MM Purchasing concepts

Which of the following configuration is delivered by SAP as a standard where the user is not able to change its parameters ?

A)   Item Category for Purchasing Documents.
B)   Document Type for Purchasing Documents.
C)   Account Assignment  for Purchasing Documents.
D)   Movement Type.
E)    Material Type.

FI-MM Automatic Account Determination (Trx Event Key RKA - Invoice Reduction Clearing Account)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Question no : 24 MM Purchasing Scenario

The following has the entered in the Purchase Order:

    Document type : "FO"
    Item category : "B"
    Account Assignment : "U"
    GR indicator in the PO was uncheked

What likely is the above Procurement scenario belong to:

A)   Consumables.
B)   Invoicng Plan.
C)   Framework Order.
D)   Non-Stock.
E)    Blanket PO.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Question no : 23 MM Purchasing with Account Assignment

When will creating the Purchasing Order forces the user to enter an account assignment ?

I)   When the user insist to enter the PO without a material master.
II)  When the material master entered in the PO is of material type "UNBW".
III) When the material master entered in the PO is of material type "NLAG".
IV) When the item category entered in the PO is of item category "D".
V)   When the document type entered is of "UB".

A)   I, II, III, IV, V
B)   I, II, III, IV.
C)   II, III, IV, V
D)   II, IV, V
E)    I, II, IV

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Question no : 22 MM External-Service Entry Sheet

The results of approving a service entry sheet is .....

A)   a material document is created along with an accounting document.
B)   an accounting document is created referenced to the service entry sheet.
C)   a material document is created.
D)   the service entry sheet is marked with a "Delivery Complete Indicator".
E)    the Purchase order is closed. 

Monday, March 17, 2008

SAP What is # 9 - What is Strategy "30" ?

In "SAP What is # 9", the Strategy 30 will be illustrated.

You can find the "MRP Strategies" parameter by navigating in the Customizing as follows:
Use IMG path -> Production -> Production Planning -> Demand Management -> Planned Independent Requirement -> Planning Strategy -> Define Strategy

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No other settings required other then assignment of the strategy 30 to the MRP 3 views, the forward and backward consumption numbers are still required as consumption will take place.

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Periodic lot-sizing rule is recommended as the purpose is the fulfill all requirements in one single order (you shall see this shortly in the following slide).

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Here, in the stock requirement list below, you can see 3 groups of requirements (both planned independent requirement and customer requirements) into 3 weeks:

Week 1 (Mar 08-14) 10+30+50 = 80 for the week
Week 2 (Mar 15-21) 10+250+600 = 860 for the week
Week 3 (Mar 22-28) 10
Week 4 (Mar 29- ) 10

Important: the Planned independent requirements are not consumed by the Sales Orders.

3 planned orders are created for each week fulfilling all the requirements that falls on the same week.

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A production order is created for the first planned order of 90.

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Production Order completed and now received into stocks below in the S/R list:

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A cash sales is created to consume the stocks in warehouse of 5 pieces.

The cash sales of 5 pieces consumed the Planned Independent requirement as below:

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CONCLUSION: The Strategy 30 accepts all requirements (both Customer requirement and Planned independent requirement without any consumptions). The total requirements of both shall be considered.

APPLICATION: In this case, usually periodic lot-sizing rule is used to collect all requirement into a single supply order. Useful application when there are big customers and walk-in customers where both demands have to be considered separately.
