This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Question no 1868 : MRP Run Planned Order Conversion

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, the planner reviewed the planned order of 1000 pieces and decide to convert only 600 into purchase requisition, what is the systems normal response ?

(only one answer)

(A)   It saved the purchase requisition of 600 pcs and creates 400 for a new planned order.
(B)   It saved the purchase requisition of 600 pcs and a remainder of 400 in the original planned order.
(C)   It saved the purchase requisition of 600 pcs and deletes the original planned order, the remaining 400 is void as the planner decide only to convert 600 of the 1000 pcs.
(D)   It saved the purchase requisition of 600 pcs and prompts a warning message to delete or retain the remaining 400 pcs.
(E)   It saved the purchase requisition of 600 pcs and creates an exception message of the remaining 400 pcs.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Question no 1867 : MRP List vs S/R List

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, evaluate the correctness of the following statements, which are true ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   The main difference between the MRP list and the Stock Requirements list is that each time the MRP list is called up, the system re-reads the various MRP elements and displays the most up-to-date situation of the material concerned.
(B)   In an organization, MRP run is carried out weekly. The planner did not evaluate the MRP run results processed last week Friday. Urgent deliveries and goods receipt were carried out during the week end. MRP list would provide to the planner the static results of the previous planning run while the Stock requirements list would not be accurate as it is always updated.
(C)   Stock requirements list are always created while MRP list are only created when exceptions occur.
(D)   The processing indicator in the MRP list is refreshed at each MRP run.
(E)   For each material, the MRP list planning file and the Stock Requirement list planning file each have its own planning indicators (NETCH< NETPL) as MRP list is static while Stock Requirements list is dynamic.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Question no 1866 : Quota Rating

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0,  assume the following Quota Arrangement setup ?

If the following quota arrangement data exist:

Source of supply
Allocated qty
Supplier 1
Supplier 2
Supplier 3

Which supplier will be awarded the next order of 1000 units :

(only one answer)

(A)   Supplier 1
(B)   Supplier 2
(C)   Supplier 3
(D)   Supplier 1 and 3
(E)   Supplier 2 and 3

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Question no 1865 : Quota Rating

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, assume the following Quota Arrangement setup:

Source of supply
Allocated qty
Supplier 1
Supplier 2
Supplier 3

Quota ratings for supplier 1, supplier 2, and supplier 3 are :

(only one answer)

(A)   200, 240, 240
(B)   1250, 1500, 1600
(C)   20, 24, 24
(D)   400, 480, 480
(E)   2, 2.4, 2.4

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Question no 1864 : Planning Indicators

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, the following are true about the various types of planning run ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Re-generative MRP planning run is only possible in the Total planning mode.
(B)   Net change planning (NETCH) indicator is flagged when planning changes occur within the planning horizon only.
(C)   Net change planning in the planning horizon (NETPL) indicator is flagged when planning changes occur outside the planning horizon.
(D)   The planning file of a material can have either NETCH or NETPL being flagged but not both.
(E)   When NETPL is flagged, usually the NETCH will also be flagged when planning changes occur within the planning horizon.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Question no 1863 : Planning File Entry

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, which of the following activities will lead to the planning file being marked for the next planning run ?

(more than one answers)

(A)   Excessive scrap reported which was not planned.
(B)   New sales order entered.
(C)   When dates for the purchase order has been changed.
(D)   Deleting or set deletion flag for a reservation created earlier.
(E)   Changing certain MRP parameter fields in the Material master.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Question no 1862 : Forecasting parameters

In SAP MM or PP ECC6.0, “The older the time series values, the less important they become for the calculation of the forecast values”, this statement is most appropriately defined for ________________ . 

(only one answer)

(A)   Ex-post forecast
(B)   Model initialization
(C)   Parameters optimization
(D)   Exponential smoothing
(E)   Auto correction test

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Question no 1861 : Reference Material

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, in forecasting parameters, the reference material is used for which of the following purpose ?

(only one answer)

(A)   If no historical data exist for a material content, it is possible to use another materials historical data for forecasting.
(B)   If the reference materials forecasting parameters are required to be copied in the new material similar to MRP profile.
(C)   When the reference material is used as an alternative material during the planning run itself.
(D)   Field selection decides it was mandatory.
(E)   If the reference materials forecasting parameters are required to be referenced in the new material.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Question no 1860 : Forecasting

In SAP MM or PP ECC6.0, when consumption values fall or rise constantly over a period of time with only occasional deviations in forecasting, it depicts a __________________ .

(only one answer)

(A)  Constant model
(B)  Trend model
(C)  Seasonal model
(D)  Seasonal trend model
(E)  Non-parametric statistics model

Question no 1859 : Storage Location MRP

In SAP MM and PP MRP ECC6.0, storage location MRP have the following characteristics :

(more than one answers)

(A)  It can be used to exclude a storage locations stock in an MRP run.
(B)  Each storage location can then have its MRP type (similar or different to those at plant level).
(C)  It must be setup for each material prior to the next MRP run.
(D)  Both external or internal procurement allowed at Storage Location MRP setup.
(E)  Special procurement key is not allowed at storage location MRP level.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Question no 1858 : Ronding Profile

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, the following rounding profile has been set:

3 -- 10
38 -- 40

Requirements of 2, 8, 37, 45, 78 will result in order quantity of :

(only one answer)

(A)  2, 15, 40, 55, 80
(B)  2, 10, 40, 50, 80
(C)  2, 10, 40, 80, 90
(D)  2, 10, 40, 60, 80
(E)  2, 10, 49, 50, 85

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Question no 1857 : MRP Parameters

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, which of the following statement are not true about MRP parameters ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Special procurement type is generally used to distinguish between internal or external procurement.
(B)  IF MRP group is not defined, MRP planning run is not possible.
(C)  Material status has no effect on MRP run.
(D)  Purchasing group is a major influencing factor for MRP calculation
(E)  Valuation class is used to determine the stock account when planning run creates a purchase order instead of a purchase requisition.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Question no 1856 : Lot Sizing

In SAP MM or PP ECC6.0, which of the following statements about lot size procedures are correct ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Static lot sizing procedures always matches demand exactly to supplies without remnant stocks.
(B)  Lot for lot, Dynamic lot size, and Fixed lot size are examples of Static lot sizing procedure.
(C)  Periodic lot sizing procedure usually results in supplies earlier than required.
(D)  Fixed order lot sizing procedure usually result in more quantities procured then required.
(E)  Lot sizing procedures are not used when quota arrangement is applied during MRP run.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Question no 1855 : Requirement date

In SAP MM or PP ECC6.0, for a weekly forecast, the requirements date would be set on the first work day of the week because:

(only one answer)

(A)  It is hard coded within the SAP system
(B)  It is a traditional planning technique and algorithm
(C)  It is assumed that total requirement must be available at the beginning of the period.
(D)  It is due to planning accuracy requirements
(E)  It is most convenient and efficient for MRP runtime calculation.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Question no 1854 : Re-Order Point Planning

In SAP MM ECC6.0, elements that make up the re-order planning MRP calculations are the following except which of the following ?

(only one answer)

(A)  Replenishment lead time
(B)  Safety stock
(C)  Average expected consumption
(D)  Replenishment lot size
(E)  BOM explosion indicator

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Question no 1853 : Characteristics of CBP

In SAP MM and PP ECC6.0, characteristics of Consumption Based Planning are which of the following:

(more than one answers)

(A)  Mainly for planning B and C-parts or supplies
(B)  It is recommended for planning of finished goods products only.
(C)  The requirements are determined via MRP with BOM explosion.
(D)  MRP run cannot create planned orders for CBP material as direct purchase requisition is sufficient.
(E)  Materials planned used consumption based planning can be components within a Bills of Material.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Question no 1852 : MRP Run Generation

In SAP MM or PP ECC6.0, which of the following can possibly be created as a result of an MRP run ?

(more than one answers)

(A)  Purchase requisition
(B)  Planned order
(C)  Purchase order
(D)  Production order
(E)  Planned Independent requirement

Friday, March 15, 2013

Question no 1851 : UMBW and NLAG

In SAP MM ECC6.0, which of the following are common characteristics of material type "UNBW" and "NLAG" ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Both require an Account Assignment entry in the Purchase Order.
B)    Both will debit expense/consumption account at goods receipt.
C)    Both will update the consumption history in the material master at goods receipt.
D)    Both will update the consumption history in the material master at goods issue.
E)    Both do not need an Accounting view in the Material Master.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Question no 1850 : Auto PO Generation

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP1.0, which of the following are prerequisite for Auto PO Generation at Goods Receipt ?

(more then one answers)

A)     Purchase Info Record must be created using the Standard Purchasing Organization assigned to the Plant used for the Goods Receipt.
B)     The Plant must be configured to allow Auto PO Generation at Goods Receipt.
C)     The Movement Type must be configured to allow Auto PO Generation at Goods Receipt.
D)     A default Purchasing Document type must be assigned to the goods movement transaction code.
E)     The Vendor Master must be set with an Auto PO indicator.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Question no 1849 : Movement Type

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP4.0, which of the following parameters are configured using a movement type ?

(more then one answers)

A)     Reason for movement.
B)     Auto Generation of Purchase Order at Goods Receipt.
C)     Negative Stock allowed.
D)     Goods Receipt Tolerance B1 and B2.
E)     Expiry Date Check Controls.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Question no 1848 : Material Status

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP4.0, which of the statements are TRUE about the use of Material Status for the Material Master ?

(more then one answers)

A)    It can be entered in the material master without a valid date.
B)    The cross-plant material status has higher priority over the plant-specific material status.
C)    The material status can be remove any time from the material master.
D)    A material status configured in the customizing can be used for cross-plant or plant-specific.
E)    Once a material status is assigned to the material master, all stocks and on-order quantities must be cleared before the material status can be remove from the material master.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Question no 1847 : Account Determination

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP4.0, the collection of possible transaction event keys for the movement type scenario is expressed via the _________________ .

(more then one answers)

A)     Posting String.
B)     Posting Rule.
C)     Posting String.
D)     Posting Method.
E)     Posting Schema.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Question no 1846 : Account Determination

In SAP MM ECC6.0,  the ______________ is a 4-digit code that establishes relationship between material types and valuation class.

(only one answer)

A)      Valuation Grouping Code.
B)      Transaction Event Key.
C)      Account Category Reference.
D)      Account Modification.
E)      General Modification.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Question no 1845 : Valuation Class

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP4, the valuation class can be assigned to which of the following objects ?

(more then one answers)

A)     Material Master Accounting view.
B)     Material Type.
C)     Account Category Reference.
D)     Valuation Type.
E)     Material Group.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Question no 1844 : Account Category Reference

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP1, the Account Category Reference can be assigned to which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Material Type.
B)    Material Group.
C)    Valuation Category.
D)    Valuation Type.
E)    Account Assignment Category.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Question no 1843 : Material Type characteristics

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP4, identify which standard material type contains the following characteristics:
. The Purchase Order for the material requires Account Assignment.
. Account Assignment 'U" is not possible.
. At Goods Receipt, both FI and CO document will be generated.
. At Goods Issue, no Accounting Documents are posted.
. When viewing the material using MB52, no stock values were found.

(only one answer)

A)    HALB.
B)    HERS.
C)    NLAG.
D)    HAWA.
E)    UNBW.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Question no 1842 : Lock material master

In SAP MM ECC6.0 EhP4, fields in the material master can be locked, which of the following are TRUE regarding locking fields in the material master ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Locking and Unlocking can be done using the Mass Maintenance Transaction code MASS or MM17.
B)    The customizing of the locked fields is dependent on the field reference group.
C)    The user is required to have been assigned an Authorization Object for locking and unlocking a material.
D)    Fields from the set of "lockable fields" can be locked and unlocked individually.
E)    Locked fields are set for material type dependency in the customizing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Question no 1841 : FL and EQ Category

In SAP PM ECC6.0 EhP1, which of the parameters features assignments are common to both the Functional Location Category and Equipment Category Except ?

(only one answer)

A)     Status Profile.
B)     View Profile.
C)     Object Info Key.
D)     Partner Determination Procedure.
E)     Measuring Point Category.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Question no 1840 : Fuctional Location Category

In SAP PM ECC6.0 EhP5, the Functional Location Category contains which of the following parameters features ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Object belong to Linear Asset Management.
B)    Status Profile.
C)    Partner Determination Procedure.
D)    View Profile.
E)    Equipment Installation Allowed Indicator.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Question no 1839 : Creating Functional Location

In SAP PM ECC6.0 EhP1, when creating a functional location, which of the following keys are required in the initial screen of IL01 ?

(more then one answers)

A)      Labeling System
B)      Plant
C)      Profile
D)      Structural Indicator
E)      Functional Location Category

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Question no 1838 : Inspection Characteristic in the Inspection Plan

In SAP QM ECC6.0, which of the following objects are assignable or can be assigned to the Inspection Characteristics in the Inspection Plan operation ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Inspection method.
B)    Dynamic modification rule.
C)    Test equipment.
D)    Sampling procedure.
E)    Dependent characteristic specification.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Question no 1837 : Inspection Method

In SAP QM ECC6.0, the Inspection Method can be assigned to which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)     Material Master QM view.
B)     Material Master QM view's inspection type data view.
C)     Inspection characteristic assigned in the Material Specification.
D)     Inspection type header.
E)     Master inspection characteristics.