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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Q&A in Class (2024-06-06) S4H00


What is Natural Language Processing

Question: What is NLP (Natural Language Processing) in SAP? 

NLP (Natural Language Processing) has existed for more than 50 years and has roots in the field of linguistics. It has a variety of real-world applications in numerous fields, including medical research, search engines and business intelligence. In computer application, Natural language processing (NLP) developed into part of the ability of a computer program's algorithms to understand human language as it's spoken and written (referred to as natural language). It's a component of artificial intelligence (AI). NLP gives the ability to your bot to read, understand and derive meaning from your users conversations as well as Text entries. 

One of the NLP adoptions in SAP is "Text Analysis (TA)", which has become a native feature of SAP S/4 HANA. "Text Analysis (TA)", at the core a Natural-Language Processing (NLP) engine; is a strategic asset that forms the foundation for search and information discovery applications. TA in SAP S/4 HANA takes unstructured text data in a wide variety of file formats and turns it into something you can search, analyze, and act on. It allows you to deal with information overload by mining big data and making sense of all of the information without having to read every single sentence. Simply put, TA automates intelligent discovery from data sources that were previously unprocessable.

NLP can be used to extract data automatically from unstructured text documents, including bills and receipts or any text content within any document in the SAP system, available as parts of the advanced algorithm in the Search Engine within the SAP System.

Useful videos about NLP:
The Basics of Natural Language Processing Programming via NLP Minutes with SAP Conversational AI/ Conversational AI Chatbot with SAP UI5 via iFrame

Useful reading on NLP:

SAP uses NLP (Natural Processing Language) in its Analytical Cloud to visualize data via AI technology, enables machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language. In SAC (SAP Analytical Cloud), the AI-based NLP integration transforms the way data is interacted with, making it more intuitive and accessible.... as well AI-based NLP application in the SAP Conversational AI, which is an end-to-end chatbot platform combined with a digital assistant designed for the enterprise. With the Aim to train, build, connect and monitor intelligent chatbots in one unique interface to automate tasks and workflows. At its core, SAP uses the AI Generation Tool "" that provides a development environment that uses natural language processing and helps in the rapid development of chatbots using its sophisticated NLP framework that provides natural language interaction for consumer-facing channels.


What is Neuro Linguistic Programming

Question: What is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)? 

The concept of NLP (Nuero Linguistic Programming) was likely the works of Richard Bandler (an Information Scientist and Mathematician) and John Grinder (a Linguist). Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy which appeared in the book "The Structure of Magic" which was co-authored by the Duo. 

Modeling, action, and effective communication are key elements of neuro-linguistic programming. The belief is that if an individual can understand how another person accomplishes a task, the process may be copied and communicated to others so they too can accomplish the task. 

Proponents of neuro-linguistic programming propose that everyone has a personal map of reality. Those who practice NLP analyze their own and other perspectives to create a systematic overview of one situation. By understanding a range of perspectives, the NLP user gains information. Advocates of this school of thought believe the senses are vital for processing available information and that the body and mind influence each other. Neuro-linguistic programming is an experiential approach. 

Some of the most common NLP techniques used for influence include mirroring, matching, and pacing. Mirroring is a technique in matching the other person's body language, voice tone, and words. This creates rapport and makes the other person feel like you are similar to them. Neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP, therefore can be used to persuade and influence people. The basic premise of NLP is that the way we think and communicate affects our behavior. Therefore, changing how we feel and sound can change our behavior. This can be useful in persuading people to do something, such as buying a product or signing up for a service. Many different techniques fall under the umbrella of NLP, but some of the most common include mirroring, matching, and pacing. When used correctly, these techniques can help you build rapport with someone, establish trust, and ultimately get them to do what you want.

The basic principles of NLP are rapport, pacing, leading, and mirroring and matching. By using these principles, you can create a connection with the person you are trying to persuade and influence their behavior. NLP techniques involve building rapport, utilizing language patterns, anchoring techniques, understanding sub modalities, and employing framing techniques. These strategies help create a connection, establish trust, and frame information in a way that resonates with the listener.

Useful videos about NLP:

NLP Resources:
Dummies guide to world of artificial intelligence and SAP Conversational AI


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