This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Question no 4001 : Item Category Configuration for Purchasing Documents

In SAP Material Management as at ECC6 EhP8, which of the following is TRUE about Item Category for Purchasing Documents ?

(more than one answers)

A. User cannot create a new Item Category with new Control Parameters.
B. Item Categories are not available for selection in RFQ.
C. Item Category can determine if a Material must be entered in the Purchasing Document.
D. Item Category is an influencing factor for field selection for selected fields.
E. If Account Assignment is allowed. 

Answer: A, C, D, E

The item category determines whether the material defined in a purchase order item:
. Requires a material number (Mandatory, possible, Not allowed)
. Requires an account assignment (Not allowed, Mandatory, possible)
. Is to be managed as a stock item (Not allowed, Mandatory, possible)
. If GR indicator, GR valuated indicator, IR indicator are selected and grayed out (field selection)
. Requires a goods receipt (GR) and/or an invoice receipt (IR)

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Q&A in Class (2024-05-17) S4220


Create new Plant and activate as APO Location Master

Question: when new Plant is created in S/4HANA, what is the method to activate to create APO Location Master for the new Plant. AND next create new Material in the new Plant and activate Advanced Planning for the APO Product in the new APO Location. 

CLICK the link to the Blog Post for the demonstration to address the Question.


MRP Area CIF to APO Location Master

Question: How to activate MRP Area for Advanced Planning in S/4HANA system.

CLICK the link to the Blog Post for the demonstration to address the Question.


Classic Material Master Strategy 20 Mapping to APO Product Strategy

Question: For Advanced Planning in S/4HANA, there is a mapping for every Classic MRP Strategy to the Advanced Planning Strategy:

Classic MRP Strategy "40" is mapped to APO Planning Strategy "20"
Classic MRP Strategy "11" is mapped to APO Planning Strategy "10"
Classic MRP Strategy "10" is mapped to APO Planning Strategy "10"
Classic MRP Strategy "20" is mapped to APO Planning Strategy "-" (Blank)

The APO Planning Strategy "could" be important for the APO system when it was a separate system that connects to the ECC system. BUT since the S/4 HANA systems comes with the Embedded PPDS (both now in ONE system), the Question is that; is the APO Planning Strategy or the MRP Strategy's Requirement type that decides the behavioral aspects of the PIR and Sales Order.


When first activating a Material for Advanced Planning (in S/4) with Embedded PPDS, the system will auto set a Mapped "Proposed Strategy" to the "Advanced Planning" view in the Material Master. For example: if MRP 3 Strategy Group is "40", the the Advanced Planning will the Strategy "20". AND the Consumption/Reduction and PIR-Sales Order Requirement Type behaviors and synchronized between MD04 and the APO Product View. 

However, if subsequently the user change the same Material MRP3 view Strategy to "20", the Advanced Planning view's Strategy is still at "20" (According to the internal mapping requirement, MRP Strategy Group "20" should be mapped to APO Strategy "-" (Blank). AND even if the user do not make any amendments to the APO Strategy from "20" to "Blank", the MTO characteristics from the Classic PIR and Sales Order will still be CIFted internally from MD04 to the APO Product View. 

It does seem that the Strategy Group in the MRP 3 view prevails in both cases at least for the Classic Strategy Group "40" and "20" and looks that the APO data view's Strategy has no impact on the expected behavior settings for the Stocks, PIR, and Sales Order for the 2 cases. 

Yes, there is the following Parameters setting for the APO Strategy as below:

If the Material Master APO data view's Strategy is "not used", then the question is what is the purpose of the APO Strategy depicted above. NOW, previously when APO system is EXTERNAL and only connected to the Backend ECC via CIF; the APO system unlikely can access the ECC MRP3 strategy for treating the Sales Order and PIR in the EXTERNAL APO system and as such this configuration above is important to the APO system. 

BUT since, the PPDS is now EMBEDDED in the S/4 and the MRP3 Strategy view is accessible directly, (at least for Classic Strategy 40 and 20), the MRP3 Strategy sets the precedence behavioral considerations for the Stocks, PIR, and Sales Order for MD04 and synch this behavioral result to the APO Product view; HENCE, the Material Master "Advanced Planning" view Strategy "COULD be REDUNDANT"! 

Caution, further testing should be done to verify the above and for other Strategies Mapping as well. Make sure, to verify this in different S/4HANA version as SAP development may be making changes in the future to update or enhance the capability and purpose of the Advanced Planning view's Strategy. 

Hope to find time and future effort to further test the use of the APO Strategy for Embedded PPDS Advanced Planning in the near future and update findings to the Blog. 

See Blog Posts: 


S/4 Heuristics Routines menu path

Question: Where to find the ABAP Source Code for the PPDS Heuristics in S/4HANA 

SAP official reference for PPDS Heuristics:
see link:


Reorder Point and Safety Stocks Calculation (Formulae)

Questions: SAP ROP and Safety Stock Calculation method 

Historical consumption data can be entered via Goods Issue from PGI but easier to just enter in the Material Master "Additional data" Consumption data or access via the Forecasting data view to enter the Consumption data. 
In order to be familiar with the SAP ROP and Safety Stock Calculation, practice via data simulations. 

See Blog Posts:
(a comparative study if Auto ROP and Auto Safety Stock Calculation in ECC and S/4 are the same)



Questions: In the R/3 or ECC system, MRP Controllers (Production Planners) were using LTP (Long Term Planning) to check the Capacity Requirements in a Simulated Scenario for "Non-Active" PIRs. The Classic LTP tool is still available in S/4HANA system but perhaps may no longer receive any enhancement from SAP in the future. 

Predictive Material and resource planning (pMRP) was introduced as a new functionality to "replace the Aged LTP" in S/4 HANA 1909 (2019). The pMRP can only be executed as a FIORI App, it helps Production Planners to identify Capacity and/or Material Issues and solve them early in the Planning Process. The objective of the pMRP FIORI App is to identify potential capacity issues and to suggest possible leveling solutions as early as possible based on a simplified requirements plan using a simplified material requirements algorithm (like that in Finite Capacity BUT simpler!) AND without having to activate the Material for "Advanced Planning"! 

There are 5 FIORI Apps to-date for pMRP functionality: 

App ID F3934 - Process pMRP Simulations (click here APP in FIORI Library) 1909
App ID F3968 - Schedule pMRP Simulation Creation (click here to APP in FIORI Library) 1909
App ID F3952 - Process pMRP Capacity Simulations (click here to APP in FIORI Library) 1909 
App ID F4593 - pMRP Issue List (click here to APP in FIORI Library) 2020
App ID F3968 - pMRP Component View (click here to APP in FIORI Library) 2020


For an overview the a demo of the pMRP Fiori App



Initially introduced in 2010 by Carol Ptak and Chad Smith (the creators of the DDMRP methodology), soon the also became the founders for the Demand Driven Institute as a tool that will promote and protect flow through the entire supply network. BOTH are previously veterans on MRP solutioning with the APICS society.  

DDMRP is short for Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning was developed by Carol Ptak and Chad Smith as an alternative to the short comings of the Classic MRP mechanics. Joseph Orlicky (an Engineer at IBM) often credited as the "Father of MRP" constructed the Principles of MRP in the 1960s. Joe Orlicky's MRPI evolved into Oliver Wight's MRPII in the 1980s where later in the 1990s see the blossoming of many Big and Small MRP solutions in America. 

MRP is a "Push" system. It is based on Forecasting information (Planned Independent Requirement), to anticipate future demand and uses the MRP mechanics to calculate the Production and Purchasing Plans. Planners "pushed" the to achieve these Plans from the Forecast and "HOPE" that Actual Sales will come true based on the Forecast. However, that is always NEVER the case as there will be usually either over forecast or under forecast resulting in remnant stocks or fire fighting. In Supply Chain, the "Push" method of MRP is said to be the "Bull-whipped Effects". 

Instead of using Forecasting information to plan for supply, DDMRP uses the Demand (Actual Sales Order) to come up with Supply Plans; like a PULL system (typically coined for JIT systems). DDMRP proposes to achieve this via decoupling points that help supply chain professionals absorb variability, reduce lead times.

Nice casual reading on DDMRP (as a start): 

OR link to introduction to the History and Mechanics of DDMRP in:

Useful References on DDMRP I enjoyed reading:

Useful Videos on DDMRP I enjoyed watching: 

DDMRP Certification: 


Question no 4000 : Account Assignment Category Configuration

In SAP Materials Management as at ECC6.0 EhP8, which of the following settings can be found via the Account Assignment Category ? 

(more than one answers)

A. Account Modification.
B. Field selection for GR, GR Non-Valuated, and Invoice Receipt.
C. Account Assignment Object field selection.
D. Valuation Class.
E. Reference Document.

Answer: A, B, C

A) Account Modification is for Automatic Account Determination
B) Default selection for GR, GR Non-Valuated and IR as well as set as Display mode.
C) Select which Account Assignment Object for the Account Assignment Category and its field selection.

Q&A in Class (2024-05-09) S4600


Vistex & SAP SD

A Rebate is a financial incentive that manufacturers or service providers offer purchasers, typically used as a marketing strategy to boost sales and customer loyalty. Unlike immediate discounts at the point of Sale, Rebates are refunded after the Purchase or Sales has been made. In SAP ECC, the processes for Rebate processing are configured and handled separately for MM and SD module. 

Due to the motivation of  the "Simplification Project" in S/4HANA, SAP "retooled" the Classic ECC Rebate (now obsolete in S/4) into an entirely new module called "Settlement Management (or Condition Contract Management (CCM))". The new "Settlement Management" component supports all types of settlement processes, including core business processes that need to be fully integrated in the order-to-cash cycle or within in a procure-to-pay scenario via a "Condition Contract" with the Business Partner Customer or Vendor. 

Note that in ERP 6.0 EHP 6, SAP introduced Condition Contract Settlement (CCS) as an alternative to the existing rebate settlement functions in SAP MM and SAP SD; in ECC6, SAP users have a choice to use either the Classic Rebate of CCS. BUT in S/4HANA, the Classic MM and SD Rebate Processing are now deactivated (Obsolete). 

Please find the Blog Posts related to Settlement Management in the following link:

Vistex (incorporated in 1999), is a 3rd party software company that create the solution for managing pricing, trade, royalties and incentive programs and has partnership with SAP for 14 years since 2006 (when SAP introduced its ECC system) and in 2020, Vistex, Inc. received an equity investment from SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) signifying a closer relationship between the companies to SAP’s focus to accelerate innovation with its ecosystem on the areas of pricing, complex commission calculations, trade and rebate processing. Since 2006, Vistex (SAP Partner) has been part of the SAP Solution Extension initiative for eighteen years, earning recognition as an industry standard. The latest new cloud solutions expand the existing solution extension portfolio by Vistex to enable each company's journey to the cloud.

However, how deep is the Vistex solution integration to SAP S/4 CCM (Condition Contract Management) requires further investigation. 

Link to SAP CCM and Vistex: 


S/4 EWM Tables

Here are the link to the Blog Posts for the Common Tables for SAP EWM.

OR via SE11 and check the following:
  • /SCWM/LAG* -- Storage Bins Tables
  • /SCWM/O* -- Warehouse task Tables
  • /SCWM/TU* -- Handling Unit Tables
  • /SCWM/W* -- Warehouse Order Tables
  • /SCWM/WAVE* -- Package wave Tables
  • /SCDL/DB* -- Inbound/Outbound Delivery Tables
  • /1OM/* -- Value-Added-Service Order Tables
  • /LIME* -- Physical Inventory Tables
  • /SAPAPO/MAT* -- Master Data Tables
Refer to Blog Post: 


S/4 BRF+ for Output

Th Classic Condition technique, based on the NAST table (via Access Sequence Technique) for Message Output (for Printing, Email, EDI etc.) for various modules (eg: Logistics and Finance alike) are so far still available in the S/4 HANA system. An Access Sequence is a Search Strategy with the aid of which the SAP System searches for valid Condition Records of a certain Condition type (Message Type) to determine the Message Output requirement for a specific Document (like Order Confirmation, Outbound Delivery Document, Billing Document). 

BRF+ is an ABAP based framework and is a component of the NetWeaver (previously called BASIS) stack. BRF+ stands for "Business Rule Framework Plus", which provides a all-encompassing API (Application Programming interface and user interface) for defining Business Rules. It enables users (configurators) to define Business Rules without the need to write ABAP codes. 

BRF+ is not new and even not directly related to S/4HANA, but with the release of S/4HANA 1610, BRF+ gained a lot of attention since it is launched as the go-to solution for some business processes. AND one of the most important ones are the incorporation of BRF+ into Output Management for Logistics Modules: 
  • MM Purchasing - Purchase Order document Message Output
  • MM Inventory Management - Goods Movement and Physical Inventory Message Output
  • SD Sales & Distribution - Order Confirmation Message Output
  • SD Outbound Delivery - Outbound Delivery Document Message Output
  • SD Billing - Billing Document Message Output
  • and many more Message Output applications.
User (Configurators) can now configure BRF+ Message Output for "ALL modules" in one single IMG transaction in IMG - Cross Application - Output Management. However, there is still an option to retain the use of the classic NAST for Message Output.

Click to Google Drive to check the step-by-step example of BRF+ configuration the SD Order Confirmation: 


Sales Order upload

The "Import Sales Order" Fiori App (App ID F4293) allows Internal Sales Representatives to create (mass upload) Sales Orders from Spreadsheet. The spreadsheets can be local Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx) files, or web-based Google Sheets. (Once have access to this App will create a Blog Post). 

Similar to many "mass upload from Spreadsheet" Apps, this SD App allows users to first Download/Import the "Spreadsheet Template", then just fill up the Sales Order header and Item data into the Spreadsheet - Check/Review - then Upload into SAP via the same App.

See link to for Documentation of the App: 

For Authorization setup, refer to the App in:
Technical Catalog: SAP_TC_CEC_SD_COMMON
Business Catalog: SAP_SD_BC_SO_IMPORT


Standard Split/Combine Criteria for Outbound Delivery document creation

Which fields will lead to Delivery Splits for SAP Outbound Delivery creation with reference to the Sales Orders? 

The SAP S/4HANA offers the following as standard fields (already configured via the SAP Routines in the "Copy Control" from Sales Order Type to Outbound Delivery Type and its associated Item Category) for Delivery Splits or Convergence (Combinations): 
  • Ship to Party (tested)
  • Delivery date (tested)
  • Incoterms (tested)
  • Shipping point (tested)
  • Shipping condition (tested)
  • Route (tested) 
  • Delivery Priority

Basically, all fields which are copied to the header of the delivery (table LIKP) via the routines of the copy control lead to a delivery split.
Split fields that cannot be changed are:
  • VSTEL Shipping point
  • ROUTE Route
According to SAP Notes, the following split-relevant fields can be affected via the "Copy Control", however, please test them to verify if the are effective:
  • VKORG Sales organization
  • AUTLF Full delivery indicator
  • VSBED Shipping condition
  • FKARV Billing type (customer billing document)
  • LIFSK Delivery block
  • STAFO Update group for statistics
  • STWAE Statistics currency
  • KKBER Credit control area
  • KNKLI Account number of the customer with the
  • credit limit default
  • GRUPP Customer credit group
  • SBGRP Processor group for credit management
  • CTLPC Credit management: Risk category
  • CMWAE Currency key of the credit control area
  • WAERK Currency of the sales document
  • INCO1 Incoterms 1
  • INCO2 Incoterms 2
  • KZAZU Indicator order combination
  • KDGRP Customer group
  • PERFK Invoicing dates (calendar identification)
See the following:


Standard Split/Combine Criteria for Billing Document creation

Standard Fields that always cause a Split (based on SAP documentation) with the following data fields:
  • Sales organization
  • Distribution channel
  • Division
  • Sold-to party
  • Bill-to party
  • Payer
  • Document currency
  • Tax departure country/region
  • Tax destination country/region
  • Customer reference
  • Payment terms
  • Incoterms
  • Incoterms (part 2)
  • Incoterms version
  • Incoterms location 2
See the following: 


Outbound Delivery listing Output before Pick/Pack

The Fiori App "Manage Outbound Delivery" (App ID F0867A) will be able to list Outbound Deliveries as a Worklist:
  • Ready for Picking
  • Ready for Confirmation (for Warehouse Management)
  • Ready for Goods Issue
In the current version SAP S/4HANA 2023 FPS01, this App do not have Status "Ready for Packing". 

click to check Blog Post 
