This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Question no 3958 : Purchase Requisition automatic creation

In SAP MM or PP MRP, which of the following circumstance where a Purchase Requisition can be generated automatically (S/4 Hana 1809) ?

(more than one answers)

A) MRP run via MD01.
B) MRP run via MRP Live using MD01N.
C) PPDS run.
D) Interactive Heuristic Run in APO Product view.
E) Saving a Production Order with a Component set with Item Category "N".

Answer: A, B, C, D, E

A) The classic MRP runs via MD01, MD02, MD03 all can generate PR with the "Create PR indicator" field.
B) MRP Live via MD01N or Fiori-based MRP Live creates PR for External Procurement items automatically.
C, D) Advanced Planning's PPDS run or Interactive Heuristics both generates PR automatically.
E) Whether in PP Production Order or PPPI Process Order, Component with Item Category "N" (Non-Stock) generates PR either at SAVE or RELEASE the Production or Process Order.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

50 years of SAP Releases in a nutshell

A midlife crisis is a defined as a shift in identity that sometimes affects middle-aged adults between the ages of 40 and 60. At 50, SAP finds itself at yet another crossroad. Like most if not all human beings (middle-agers), SAP is starting down a mid-life crisis; faced with mature as well as other youthful competitors and challenged by an ever faster changing world. 
SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing.
(S)ystem = 系統
(A)pplications = 應用程式
(P)roducts = 產品
數據處理過程中的系統. 應用程式和產品
Founded by 5 former IBM employees with a vision of creating a standard application software for real-time business processing.

SAP R/1 (1972)
The "R" was for "From initial Punch Card before advent of R/1 to 實時處理即即時運算 Real-time Data Processing".
"1" is often referred to as SAP 第一代軟件 1st Generation Software.
"1" also means SAP Software system deployed in 一層架構 1-tier Architecture where All 3 layers of [演示客戶端 Presentation + 應用服務器 Application + 數據庫 Database] are installed in One systems/server. 
R/1 is said to uses M/F DBMS.
R/1 was released as mainframe version of SAP.
SAP R/1 was initially designed as a 財務會計系統 Financial Accounting system (RF) but later added 物資管理 Materials Management (採購 Purchasing, 庫存管理 Inventory Management, and 發票驗證 Invoice Verification). R/1 runs on IBM Servers and the DOS operating system.
Officially launched in April 1, 1972.
They were five former employees of IBM: Dietmar Hopp (1940), Hasso Plattner (1944), Claus Wellenreuther (1935), Klaus Tschira (1940) and Hans-Werner Hector (1940) had the idea of creating a standard software that processes data in real-time. Their first client was the German branch of 帝國化學工業 Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in 厄斯特林根 Östringen, 德國 Germany; where they developed 大型计算机系统 Mainframe programs for 工資 Payroll and 會計 Accounting (RF). 

SAP R/2 (1979)
The "R" was for improved "Real-time Data Processing" = 實時處理即即時運算
"2" is SAP 第二代軟件 2nd Generation SAP Software.
"2" also means SAP Software system deployed in 二層架構 2-tier Architecture. 2-tier means the 演示客戶端 Client is on the first tier while the 數據庫 database server and 應用服務器 Application server reside on the second but same server machine (ie the 2nd tier).
R/2 uses 傳統關係數據庫管理 Traditional RDBMS.
R/2 was also , the mainframe version of SAP.
Mainframe based real-time data processing across modules like 財務會計 Accounting (RF/RK), 物資管理 Material Management (RM), 製造過程 Manufacturing processes, 質量管理 QM, 工廠維護 Plant Maintenance (RM-INST), 銷售和分銷 Sales and Distribution (RV), 項目系統 Projects (RK-P), and 人力資源管理系統 Personnel (RP). 
Officially launched in 1979.
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) was introduced in 1982. ABAP is a high-level SAP proprietary, 第四代編程語言 fourth-generation programming language designed by SAP that is used by developers to customize SAP ERP platforms.

SAP R/3 (1992)
The "R" was for "Real-time Data Processing" = 實時處理即即時運算
"3" is SAP 第三代軟件 3rd Generation) SAP software.
"3" also means SAP Software system deployed in "三層架構 3-tier" that are 1) 數據庫 Database, 2) 應用服務器 Application server, and 3) 演示客戶端 Client (SAP 圖形用戶界面 GUI) all as separate Architectures (ie 每個在不同的服務器機器上 each in a different server machines). The 3-tier architecture offers the following benefits:
  1. The chief benefit of 3-tier architecture is that because each tier runs on its own infrastructure.
  2. Each tier can be developed simultaneously by a separate development team.
  3. Each tier can be updated or scaled as needed without impacting the other tiers.
  4. Higher flexibility as far as configuration and platform deployment is concerned.
  5. It also improves data integrity.
  6. The database structure remains hidden from requesters enabling any change of the database to be transparent.
  7. It offers higher level of security as client does not have access to the database directly.
  8. It is generally easier to maintain and make modification on each tier separately. 
Some of the the disadvantages of the 3-tier architecture are:
  1. With 3-tier architecture, it also increases the Complexity of Communication and thus usually require more effort to create 3-tier applications as the communication points are increased (client to middle tier to server, instead of directly client to server).
  2. Additional effort is required due to increase of performance whereas the 2-tier model can handle the particular function.
The presentation layer for R/3 is now the front end screen using SAP 圖形用戶界面 GUI (Graphical User Interface); SAP GUI is used to display selection screens, messages, and classic lists from an ABAP program on the user's screen. Maybe around 1993, the new SAP GUI version 2.1 starts to offer on screen 複選框 Checkboxes, 單選按鈕 Radio buttons and 圖標 Icons. 
R/3 uses 傳統關係數據庫管理 Traditional RDBMS.
Beginning of SAPs ERP (Enterprise-wide Resource Planning system) where with an entire suite of modules in a single software including 財務會計和成本會計 FICO, 物資管理 Material Management (MM), 離散製造 Production Discrete (PPPI), 流程製造 Production Process Industry (PPDI), 銷售和分銷 Sales and Distribution (SD), 人力資源管理系統 Human Resource (HR), 項目系統 Project System (PS), 工廠維護 Plant Maintenance (PM), 質量管理 Quality Management (QM), 倉庫管理 Warehouse Management (WMS) etc. This is also the time (1999) where SAP starts the release of other software solutions like the 供應商關係管理 Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), 客戶關係管理 Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 高級規劃器和優化 Advanced Planner & Optimizer (APO), 企業戰略管理 Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM), 數據倉庫工具 Business Warehouse (BW) etc. 1999 is the year of the introduction of ABAP Objects, an 面向對象/物件導向程式設計 Object-oriented extension to ABAP.
Officially launched in July 6, 1992 (Enterprise Edition 1.0A)
SAP R/3 (Enterprise Edition 2.0) 1993
SAP R/3 (Enterprise Edition 3.0) 1995
SAP R/3 (Enterprise Edition 4.0B) July 1998
SAP R/3 (Enterprise Edition 4.5B) March 1999
SAP R/3 (Enterprise Edition 4.6C) April 2001
SAP R/3 (Enterprise Edition 4.6F) 2001
SAP R/3 (SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 4.7) 2002
End of extended maintenance for R/3 4.6C was March 31, 2013

SAP ECC (2004)
SAP ECC stands for "SAP ERP Central Component" or "Enterprise Centric Component" = 企業核心組件 
"E"nterprise or "E"RP = 企業 
"C"entric or "C"entral = 核心 
"C"omponent = 組件
After SAP R/3, the SAP ECC (or SAP ERP ECC) is probably the most recognized name of the SAP system. Extensions to the MRP solution started in R/2 then R/3 into even more modules covering integrated solutioning across the Enterprise (hence it is now being called as the SAP ERP ECC). SAP ERP ECC offers a comprehensive platform of Software Suites for the entire business solutions in organizations of all sizes. 
The term "SAP ERP" was synonymous with ECC.
R/3 is SAP ECC's predecessor and equivalent. R/3 uses the 客戶端-服務器模型 Client-server model and allows users to store, retrieve, analyze and process corporate data. In contrast, SAP ECC runs on a WEB-應用程序服務器 web-based application server. 
ECC (SAP ERP) also uses the 傳統關係數據庫管理 Traditional RDBMS.
However, when SAP HANA was released in 2012; SAP subsequently make possible to migrate SAP ERP to SAP ERP powered by 快速功能數據庫 SAP HANA Database.
Officially launched in June 2004 (ECC5.0)
SAP ECC6.0 (Initial Release) October 2005 
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 1) December 2006 
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 2) July 2007 
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 3) 2008
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 4) 2009
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 5) June 2010 
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 6) June 2012 
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 7) 2013 
SAP ECC6.0 (Enhancement Package 8) 2016 
Since 2010, when SAP HANA was first released, SAP has established and then rearranged end-of-support deadlines for 2017, 2019 and 2025; all because of mounting customer pressure and lack of confidence in S/4HANA.
Latest Press Release as at February 4, 2020 from "SAP's News Website", that the original 2025 deadline has been extended to until the end of 2027 followed by an optional extended maintenance until the end of 2030 (But ECC6 users will have to pay an incremental 2% in maintenance fees for the 3 years extension to 2030).

SAP HANA (2011)
(H)igh-performance = 高性能
(AN)alytic = 分析
(A)ppliance = 工具
SAP released the first official HAHA version in June 18, 2011 (SAP HANA 1.0)
HANA DB 1.00 Official Release June 18, 2011
HANA DB 2.00 Stable Release SPS06 March 4, 2022
In the mid-2000s, the co-founder of SAP, Hasso Plattner, was on a mission to develop a database that could process transactional and analytical data in Real-time. 
It is important to note that SAP HANA is the 內存數據庫技術 in-memory database technology that runs the SAP landscape. In 2015, S/4 HANA was released as the business suite launched to be the next-generation ERP designed to run exclusively on the 快速功能數據庫 SAP HANA database.

SAP S/4 (2015)
The "S" in S4 Hana stands for "Simple" = 簡化數據模型/簡單IT系統架構 
"4" refers to the generation sequence which is also the 第四代軟件 4th Generation SAP software after R/3 or 新一代商務套件和創新平台 Next-Generation Business Suite and Innovation Platform, and some referred to it as being the 此世代ERP 2nd generation ERP solution (ERP2). 
S/4 now runs on 快速功能數據庫 SAP HANA Database.
As "S" means "Simple", the SIMPLICATION direction brings about many CHANGEs to S/4 compared to its ECC predecessor; with some examples below:
  1. Simplified Data Model (Combining multiple tables into a single table).
  2. Combined Software Solutions (Embedded APO PPDS+EWM+TPVS).
  3. Combined Industrial Solution Functionalities (Embedded DIMP or Discrete Industries and Mill Product and few other IS).
  4. Combined different Master Data (Vendor and Customer become Business Partner).
  5. Combined Master Data creation (One entry to create Equipment or Functional Location as Technical Object via FIORI).
  6. Reduce component activation requirement (no more Quota Arrangement Usage/Activation in MRP2 as once Quota Arrangement is created, it can be used without activation).
  7. Combined Processing (eg MRP Live can perform MRP run for MPS Material, MRP Material, CBP Material, PPDS Material, and DDRP Material).
  8. Above is a small example list, SAP S/4HANA simplified functionality can be found in "S/4 Simplification List" in each SAP S/4 Release. 

ECC runs on third-party database systems such as Oracle, S/4 HANA  簡化數據模型高性能分析工具 relies on the SAP 內存數據庫 in-memory database. As such, HAHA is the core S/4 application technology that uses in-memory technology that allows processing of massive amounts of real-time data in a short time. SAP claims that its HANA deployment empowers a business with a speed that is approximately 3600 times faster than that of the traditional databases!
With the new in-memory database and data storage methods, 新一代集團合併解決方案 Embedded solutions from APO PPDS, SCM EWM and selected Industrial Solutions within a single S/4 system is now possible due to the fact that S4HANA can reduce data footprint with highly compressed data and fewer tables.
SAP also started to release some Applications only as 雲端軟件 Cloud software solution; for example APO DP is now released as Cloud IBP (SAP 集成業務計劃雲 Integrated Business Planning), or Cloud LBN (SAP 物流業務網絡雲 Logistics Business Network) etc. 
SAP also introduce the FIORI 前端框架 frontend for the user interface or 用戶體驗 user experience (UX) that supplements and can replace the SAP 圖形用戶界面 GUI. FIORI also include new written Apps, not limited to just workflow approvals, information lookups, and self-service tasks but also new SAP functions and features. where use of the SAP system can now be access across 台式機 desktops, 平板電腦 tablets, and 智能手機 smartphones are now possible. 
Officially launched in February 3, 2015 (SAP S/4 Simple Suite for HANA 1502)
SAP S/4HANA (1511 - 1st upgrade) November 2015 with nomenclature: YYMM
SAP S/4HANA (1610) October 2016  
SAP S/4HANA (1709) September 2017 
SAP S/4HANA (1809) September 2018 
SAP S/4HANA (1909) September 20, 2019 
SAP S/4HANA ((2020) October, 2020 with new nomenclature: switch to YYYY from YYMM
SAP S/4HANA 2021) October, 2021 
SAP S/4HANA (2022) October 12, 2022 
On February 4, 2020, SAP announced Maintenance commitment for SAP S/4HANA to at least until the end of 2040. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Question no 3957 : Object Dependency syntax

In SAP Classification, the Object Dependency syntax below can be used in which Dependency Type ? 

(only one answer)

A) Selection Condition.
B) Pre-Condition.
C) Action.
D) Procedure.
E) Constraint.

Answer: D