This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Question no 2243 : Service Category

In SAP MM External Services ECC6.0, the Service Category used to create the Service Master contains which of the following control parameters ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Number Range for the Service Master. 
B)    Account Category Reference.
C)    Data view control.
D)    Field Selection.
E)    Number Range for the Service Entry Sheet.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Question no 2242 : Alternative Labeling

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following features are correct about the use of Alternative labeling ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Each client can have only one primary labeling system and multiple alternative labeling system.
B)    Each client can have multiple primary labeling system and multiple alternative labeling system.
C)    Each client can have only one primary labeling system and one other alternative labeling system.
D)    A user can be assigned with more then one labeling system at a time.
E)    You can enter multiple alternative labeling system for a user but each time only one alternative label can be assigned to a user.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Question no 2241 : Structural Indicator for Funcation Location

In the PM ECC6.0, the structural indicator for the functional location have the following characteristics, select the answers which are NOT correct ? 

(more then one answers)

A)    The same structural indicator can be used for both the reference functional location and actual function location. 
B)   The structural indicator is plant dependent.
C)   Both internal number range and external number ranges are allowed for the structural indicator.
D)   You can change the structural indicator of a functional location after it was created.
E)    Functional locations can belong to different structural indicator can be part of the same hierarchy.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Question no 2240 : Create Functional Location with Reference

In SAP PM ECC6.0, which of the following object cannot be copied from Actual Functional Location to Actual Functional Location ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Permits.
B)    Class.
C)    Document from DMS.
D)    Partners.
E)    Address.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Question no 2239 : Copying Reference Functional Location

In SAP PM ECC6.0, when copying the Reference Functional Location to Actual Functional Location, which of the following object is selectable at the screen of the transfer process using IL04 ?

(only one answer)

A)     Equipment.
B)     Document.
C)     Measuring Point.
D)     Permit.
E)     Construction Type.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Question no 2238 : Purchasing Document Type

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the Purchasing Document type configuration decides which of the following ?

(more then one answers)

A)     Number range of the purchasing document.
B)     Text type copy.
C)     Allowed item category.
D)     Allowed account assignment.
E)     Field selection.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Question no 2237 : Material type HERS

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the material type "HERS" for Manufacturer Part Number contains which of the following data views ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Basic view.
B)    Purchasing view.
C)    Classification view.
D)    Accounting view.
E)    Plant Storage view.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Question no 2236 : Material Type UNBW

In SAP MM ECC6.0, SAP Material Type 'UNBW' has the following characteristics ?

(more then one answers)

A)    No Accounting View
B)    No Purchasing View
C)    No Quantity Update and no Value Update
D)    Quantity Update and no Value Update
E)    No Account Category Reference

Monday, December 23, 2013

Question no 2235 : Required Account Assignment

In SAP MM ECC6.0, when creating a purchase order with a material master, the system requires the mandatory entry of the account assignment, what would be the possible cause of this requirement ?

(more then one answer)

A)    The material master did not have an accounting view and a costing view.
B)    The material master did not have an accounting view.
C)    The material master did not have a purchasing view and an accounting view.
D)    The material type of the material master was "UNBW".
E)    The plant used to create the purchase order was configured only for account assignment scenario. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Question no 2234 : Material Type

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the following are TRUE about the Material Type EXCEPT ?

(only one answer)

A)    A material type can have both internal and/or external number range.
B)    A material type can be assigned to more then one account category reference.
C)    A material type can be used to create material master for more then one plant.
D)    A material type can be used to determine what data views are possible for a material master.
E)    A material type can be used for field selection of the material master.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Question no 2233 : SNP Optimization constraints

In SAP APO SNP, which of the following are valid Constraints for the SNP Optimization Run ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Customer priority.
B)    Product priority.
C)    Production capacity.
D)    Storage capacity.
E)    Transportation capacity.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Question no 2232 : Service Master number range

In SAP MM External Services ECC6.0, the number range for Service Master creation is configured via which of the following ?

(only one answer)

A)    Service group. 
B)    Transaction code.
C)    Service category.
D)    Service type.
E)    Plant and Transaction code.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Question no 2231 : IW13

In SAP PM ECC6.0, the Material Where-Used List Report of IW13 provide the following information ?

(more then one answers)

A)     Total Planned Reservations.
B)     Total Goods Issue with reference to Reservation.
C)     Total Goods Issue without reference to Reservation.
D)     Total Cost of Planned Goods Issue.
E)     Total Cost of Unplanned Goods Issue.

TERP10_10 Unit 3 Exercise 6 ~ SAP Financials Basics (Post Journal Entry)

TERP10 SAP ERP Integration of Business Processes
Course Version: 10 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Question no 2230 : Purchasing Document Field Selection

In SAP MM Purchasing ECC6.0, which of the following are possible influencing factors of field selection in the Purchasing Document ?

(more then one answer)

A)    Item Category.
B)    Document Type.
C)    Plant.
D)    Release Status.
E)    User.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Question no 2229 : Delivery Criteria Vendor Evaluation

In SAP MM ECC6.0, the Vendor Evaluation's Delivery Criteria provides which of the following standard sub-criteria ?

(more then one answer)

A)    On-time delivery performance.
B)    Quantity reliability.
C)    Complaints level.
D)    Compliance with shipping instructions.
E)    Confirmation.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Question no 2228 : MPN Profile

In SAP MM Purchasing ECC6.0, the MPN Profile provides which of the following control features ?

(more then one answers)

A)    Whether it is mandatory to enter an MPN material in the purchase order.
B)    Whether the MPN material can be changed during the procurement process.
C)    Whether the purchase order text for your internal material or the MPN material is used.
D)    Whether the MPN material can be included in the Source List.
E)    Whether during at Goods Receipt, the MPN material can be changed.