This Blog is mainly on SAP Exam Questions and Selected "How-to" SAP processes

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wong on SAP Blogging

Welcome to my Blog,


Many of my students have asked me for SAP related mock examination questions. Here it is, I have created a blog for it. But don't ask me to send you a file for 100 questions or a list of the questions I have posted.

I am not sure if I will persist doing this but I have just learned how to Blog ! This I think is a good opportunity to share my experiences in SAP to both of past, present, future students and others who are interested in SAP.

I make mistakes occasionally but i will try to be as accurate as possible. I cannot guarantee the past can be equal to the present in SAP functionality as the company updates its software frequently. It is an information sharing blog only.

Enjoy SAP.

Wong Ching Wah
Nov 04, 2008